Part 5: monster

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Will's POV;

"You what." I said, my eyes widening.

"I could tell," he replied.


"Just the way you acted, the way you were never interested in ANY girls," He laughed.

I smiled, "yeah, I know."

"There's something else I need to tell you Mike," I said fidgeting with the bed cover.


"I love you."

Mikes POV;

"I love you."

Those words that Will, William Byers said to me, those three words felt like my whole life has led up to this moment. He loves me, LOVES ME. The boy that I've had a crush on my whole life. What the fuck Mike YOU CANT LIKE WILL YOU DICKHEAD YOURE NOT GAY.

"What the fuck Will, you can't love me, I'm not gay!" I retorted.

"I know. I'm sorry," he stuttered, tears rolling down his cheeks. I can't do this. I was breaking this little boys heart. It was breaking me.

"No but like Will, that's fucked up. Why are you gay in the first place? You always said you hate you Dad calling you a fag and shit, that's just weird." 

"I'm s-sor-sorry I shouldn't h-have said any-anything." He sobbed.

"Damn right you shouldn't have said anything, you're such a dumbass," I yelled as I stormed out of the room and onto my bike home. As I got I cried into my pillow. I'm such a dick, I had probably just broken Will with my selfish acts. Trying to deny something that I couldn't do forever. I heard a knock on my door as I wiped my eyes and said come in. Shit, it was El, the last person I wanted to see at this moment.

"Are you alright Mikey?" She said as she came and sat beside me on my bed.

She leaned in for a kiss but I pushed her away.

"S-sorry I just want to be left alone." I choked out.

"Tell me what's wrong, please."

"It doesn't bother you, just mind your own business."

"Mike. Tell me. Or else."

"Or else what?" I retorted.

Just then a book fell from my bookcase. El was bleeding from her nose. 

"Jesus I don't have time for your shit right now El, I'll Talk to you when I feel like it."

"No. You'll tell me now!" I hated when she got aggressive, it's just annoying.

"No. You get the hell out of my house now!" I snapped.

She screamed as my the window in bedroom smashed into a million pieces.

"What the actual fuck Eleven! You're so immature!! You need to fucking control your temper!" I screamed at her as she was practically sobbing.

"I don't know who you think you are but what did I tell you? Get the fuck out." I yelled once again. She ran out of the room crying. Jesus in the past 30 minutes I have managed to make the two closest people to me cry. I was a monster.

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