Part 3: secrets out

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Mikes POV;
Me and El were just talking at her locker at the start of recess until I realised Will just disappeared into thin air. I supposed he went to the others outside but he wasn't there. I told Jane we should look for him. She rolled her eyes but said ok. We looked for him everywhere, the cafeteria, all the bathrooms and hallways. I remembered the bathroom near the lockers. Once I walked in there no one was in there so I walked out. Soon the bell for class rung out. Where was he?
Wills POV;
I kept my head down as I went to my locker. I gasped in surprise at what I saw on it.
Someone had wrote "faggot" with permanent marker. I frantically try to rub it off trying not to cry.
"Hey Byers, sucked any dicks lately?" I heard a cruel voice yell out.
"Who would've thought, zombie boy's a queer!"
I ran out of the school onto my bike and rode all the way into the woods, were I sit right now, sobbing. It's getting dark so I suppose I should get home. But I couldn't face any human activity. Once I had slightly calmed myself down I heard leaves crunching as I held my breath hoping the person wouldn't see me. I was praying to God it wasn't who I thought it was. I started trembling at the thought of facing Troy in my state.
"Hey, you ok?"
It was Max. I sighed in relief but quickly remember my state so I tried to wipe my eyes and stand up but my legs were numb.
"I'm uh- yeah I'm fine how di-did you know where I uh- was?"
"I followed you."
"You did what?!?!?"
I gasped in realisation that she had been watching me.
"Listen Will I need to tell you something,"
"What is it?" I asked with confusion in my voice.
"Well when I first met you and he party I thought you were pretty neat. The fact you didn't swarm over me frantically asking me to hang out with you, I know I'm with Lucas bu-"
"Max, what are you trying to say?" I said, cutting her off.
"Well um I uh- this might be hard to process but uh- Well," she stuttered.
She then did the unimaginable, the last thing I expected her to do. She leant in and kissed me. I stepped back with my eyes wide open she smirked at me,
"Get it?" She asked.
"Well uh max- I mean uh. Wow."
It's not that I Thought it was a bad kiss or anything, it's just I am not attracted to her, in anyway. She's a good friend but that was just, awkward.

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