Chapter 15: A Burning Sensation

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I watch my angel as he sleeps, watching every small detail of his body; his chest rising up as he breathes out, his changing face every time he moves, and the twitching of his body. I curl his hair with his fingertips, smiling at the sight that lays beside me, even with the tattoos all over his body, he still somehow looks like the cutest person in the entire world. I stare at his eyes, noticing the ink marks are completely gone, and then the tattoos themselves catch my attention. I lift the blanket to stare at the tattoos flowing down the rest of his body, noticing how they change, like themes, but to me, they will always be like something from Alice in Wonderland. The webs, cards, even the bones themselves stare back at me with grace, and I've never seen anything like it. When I was alive, I saw few tattoos, mostly because I hung out with school friends that were a bunch of pussies, but now that I see them, I'm overwhelmed but the sheer appearance of them. But, of course, these aren't ordinary tattoos, these are Tainted marks, curses, something from a horror movie. But, even with the trouble, Tate is constantly stuck in, I won't give up, not for anything in this world.

My bedroom door opens, and my mom and Nora walk through the door. I look at the time and notice how late it is; Four PM. Did Tate and I really sleep in for that god damn long, I guess, we were wandering around for ages. I welcome the women with a smile, and they do the same, which makes me happy. Seeing Nora and my mom happy, makes me happy.
"How is he?" my mom asks me. "How's he feeling?"
"He appears to be sleeping, quite vigorously," Nora giggles.
"I don't know, he was really exhausted, and so was I," I explain. "I guess crossing the line that separates us from the living, twice, can really take it out of you."
I watch as my mother sits down on the bed next to me, starring at the tattoos all over Tate's body. It's the first time anyone besides me and Nora have gotten close enough to really observe the markings on his skin. I look at my mother again, noticing how intrigued she looks.
"So, these are it, huh?" she says to me. "These are the markings?"
"Yeah," I nod.
"Are you sure he's okay?" Nora asks again. "He's been through a lot, not only the past few weeks but his entire life. Honestly, I have seen those before, but only once."
"Once?" I ask. "When did you see it?"
"I was with him, not long after he died, his spirit went straight to me. In the time that I lived in, they used to say that when someone close to you dies, their spirit goes straight to you before they can do anything themselves," Nora explains. "But, Tate's spirit was still angry, about everything. Still jacked up on the drugs he had taken before, and his started breaking everything in the basement, and for a single moment, they appeared. So I need to know if he's really okay, I need to."
"Why don't you ask him yourself," I smirk, shaking Tate to try and wake him up. "Tate, wake up, now."

I watch as Tate opens his eyes for a split moment, and listen as he groans like a child, rolling over to face the door. I think about what Nora had said, how he was terrifying angry when the markings appeared on his skin for the first time. Perhaps, the sudden possessive sickness is due to the trauma and stress, that makes sense, he was broken so long ago. First time I ever saw Tate, I knew he was different, but in a good way, he watched as I sliced my wrists, and told me where to slice if I wanted to end it all. I know why now, because saying that, made me consider my options, made me think about what I have to do, so, pretty much, he saved me mentally. Now I hate the thought of how his life went, but it's too late to change anything, our top priority is saving Tate from himself, so I have to focus.
"Tate, C'mon, wake up!" I shake him, causing him to groan once more.
"Why?!" he giggles, opening his eyes once again, seeing Nora and my mom. "Oh, I'm sorry mo... Nora."
I giggle at what Tate said, what he nearly said, he almost called Nora "mom", well, she basically is his mom, she's been there for him since he first came to the house. The sheer embarrassment on his face is priceless, and I love it, it's so adorable. He leans upwards, leaning against the wall, trying to hide the redness of his blushing face, but I can see past it.
"How'd you sleep, Tate?" My mom asks him.
"Like the dead, so I'd say pretty well," he smiles.
"We're going to make dinner very soon; us and Hayden, so you two should come down and have some?" Nora asks, her beautiful blonde hair smiling at the two of us.
"Definitely, just let me get up," Tate agrees. "Coming Vi?
"Of course," I giggle as he touches my shoulders.

I get up off my bed, starring at Tate as he begins to do the same, but something isn't right. Tate's legs give way, and his knees hit the floor, and he begins to grab his stomach, shrieking in obvious pain. The thumping sound echoes across the entire house, and I can hear Patrick and Chad questioning the noise, even my dad dropping everything in his office just to process what's happening, hell, I wish I could tell him if I knew. Tate screams louder than I've ever heard in my life, the cracking in his voice telling me how much pain his in, and the indication is heart-breaking.
"Tate! Listen to me! What's going on?!" I scream. "What's happening to you?!"
"MY BODY! IT'S BURNING! FUCK!" he screams.
I try to comfort him with a shush, but his scream turns into an agonising sound. I touch his shoulder, and the temperature turns my hand, causing a blistering that doesn't last long. I tell Nora to go fetch some cold towels, and my mother to grab some ice from the kitchen. I focus on the markings on his body, they're fading on and off, and quite quickly. He body begins to shake as he hits the floor, and the last thing I'd expect to hear, is the next few words coming from his mouth.
"V- Violet, i- It's time."

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