Chapter 20: When Monsters Evolve

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The room is silent, everyone is shocked, but not me, I'm ghoulish. I snarl like an angry wolf, I can feel my teeth chattering together like I'm ready to bite Taint and rip out his throat. I want to, kill him, over and over and fucking over again, rip his cunt of a head off, and shove it up his asshole. I want to do extremely evil things to him, things that would make the devil shake and cringe at an extreme rate.
"You're not invited, freak!" Patrick snarls. "Leave!"
"That's no way to treat a guest!" Taint cries out, his voice cracking a little. "I come here to play, and you, don't want to?"
"I can fix this problem," Violet gnarls. "Easy fix. Taint, go away."

Even with the magic words, he doesn't disappear, it doesn't even seem to affect him, not in the slightest.
"Awww, what's the matter?" Taint ghouls, his smile appearing from within his tattoos. "Your little trick not working?"
"Why aren't you gone?!" Tate roars at his co-existent. "WHY?!"
"Sure, you and Violet may be 'evolved', but not as 'evolved' as I am. You see, that garbage doesn't work on me, and it will never work," Taint explains. "Why?! Because, technically, I'm not even here! I don't exist!"
"Then you can't hurt us," Vivien says bravely.
"Oh, I can, believe me, I can hurt you more than you could know, allow me to show all of you, what I'm capable of doing. Everyone but Tate, go away."
In a blink of an eye, Ben disappears from in front of me, and when I turn, everyone else is gone too. My heart slams against my chest, not in fear, but in anger. I hate the thing that stands in front of me, I hate it so much, I want to kill it.
"So, as far as evolution goes, Tatey-Watey, I'm further in front."
"What is it you want, Taint?" I question, more aggressive than I've ever been in my life.

"I want us to be friends, Tate, partners even. I want you, to know me. I mean, technically I'm a simple construction of your pain and misery, but now! I have a personality, even if it isn't completely pleasant."
"You're not wrong about that, asshole. You raped my girlfriend's mother!"
"And in the progress, granted you a son, can't have it both ways, Tatey-Watey. You killed all of those students, and in the progress granted yourself a quick end and eternal life. You murdered the exterminator, and in the progress slowed down the inevitability of Violet finding out about her self-inflicted fate. Like I said, you have to give, to get."
"STOP CALLING ME THAT!" I screamed, punching the wall and cracking it. "YOU SHOULD LEAVE NOW!
"Woah! Calm down, dude!" Taint says. "I'll stop calling you that then."

I launch myself at Taint, gripping his head and slamming it into a wall, denting it fiercely. But taint just laughs at me, antagonising me more and more, and it's working.
"Man, o' man. I guess the relic got the upgrade, huh?" Taint giggles evilly, spitting blood onto the ground.
"Shut it!" I snarl, gripping his arm and pulling it until I hear a crack, and a growl afterwards.
"Violet," Taint snarls. "It's gonna' be a kick in the balls when I rape her, make her bleed, right in front of me."
I lose the plot, gripping his neck and throwing him to the ground, feeling the world shake under my feet. I pick up a lamp and slam it into his head, over and over, watching as blood curdles his face. I watch as his face becomes more mutilated by the impact, but yet, that smile doesn't disappear, neither does the laugh.
"Do it! Be exactly like me."
"No! I'm who I am, not you. I'm Tate Langdon, I have a heart."

I launch myself away from him, watching him as he stands up, his face healing more and more every god damn second, with his chuckle not disappearing from my eyes. That's when he begins to clap once again.
"Congratu-fucking-lations! You found your inner self."
I watch Taint as he quickly finds his way to the kitchen, taking a knife from the block and holding it with a sinister look. He twists the knife in his palm, spinning it graciously in his hand.
"But there are a few weaknesses you still have caught in your little psyche of yours," Taint states.
"Yeah?" I laugh but then think about Violet, becoming nervous instantly. "And what will that be?"
"Oh, you know," he pauses. "A little thing called, family. Everyone, come back."

Everyone comes back in a blink of an eye, and in front of Tate, spawns Nora. I watch as he grips her hair, placing the knife against his throat, which terrifies me. This is my idol, my mother, my guardian, and she's in danger. The rage bottles up inside.
"Nobody move or I slit her throat," Taint smirks. "And believe me, I want you to move."
"Tate," Violet cries out in horror.
"Help me," Nora also cries out.
I watch as Taint slides the blade against her throat, smelling her hair, shaking at the smell. The look disturbs me, he's thinking about, 'doing' her, I can tell.
"The homicidal, the suicidal, the gays, the whores, the innocent, the cheaters, the victims, and none of you can STOP ME!" Taint screams, making everyone jump. "You're all pathetic, goodbye."
I blink, and they're gone; Nora and Taint. He took her, and I let him, the thought makes me scream at the top of lungs with my knees hitting the floor. I rip a piece out of my hair, then, I feel Violet's hand on my shoulder, the only thing keeping me from burning the whole place to the ground.
"I'm going to find them both, and then, I'm going to make sure he can't heal from his fucking wounds."

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