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Y/n: Your name
C/n: Crush's name
F/n: Friends name


You walked into your third period class. After this you had lunch and you couldn't wait for that little thirty five minute break that you got to spend with your best friends.

You had one of your closest friends in this class and also your crush. You really liked him but you knew that you shouldn't. You guys used to be bestest of friends in elementary school and middle school, you two were basically inseparable but then ended up drifting apart. When you got to high school you started to see change in him and you guys fell off. He was a notorious player and didn't give a damn about anyone but himself, and after a couple weeks into freshman year he had completely cut you off.

"Y/n," F/n nudged you, "c/n's staring at you."

"No, no he's not." You said. Not wanting to give yourself false hope, knowing that it would only lead to heartbreak.

"Yes, yes he is." She said. 

You shook your head but f/n kept trying to prove it to you. Finally you looked up to see him actually looking at you. A slight blush formed on your cheeks after you looked back down at your paperwork.

The rest of the period went by just like that, you two stealing secret glances at each other, and the teacher droning on and on about the quadratic formula. Finally the bell for lunch rang and you rushed out of class, being the first one out. 

You met your friends outside of the cafeteria and grabbed your food. Conversation with your friends always flowed naturally, that's what you loved the most about it. You guys could talk about the most random stuff for hours and hours.

About ten minutes after you sat down c/n came up to your table. "Hey," he said "is it cool if I sit here with you today?" He asked you.

"Yeah, of course." You said. You weren't really one to stutter or act nervous around people. You definitely got nervous and scared but you never let it show. Ever.

"Cool." Said c/n. He sat down right next to you and your friends scooted down the table to give you guys room.

You and c/n talked for what seemed like forever. The conversation flowed naturally and your senses of humor were almost identical.

Towards the end of lunch c/n's expression turned serious.

"Y/n..." he started, staring deep into your eyes "do you like me?"

The question caught you off guard and for the first time you were visibly nervous. "Oh, um.." oh, what the hell? What did you have to lose? "Well yeah, actually. I kinda do."

All of a sudden c/n whipped around to face his friend who was apparently sitting on the table directly behind you. "Ha! I fucking told you bro," started c/n "you owe me twenty bucks. Loser." He said, rubbing it into his friends face.

You chuckled dryly and shook your head. Of course. Of fucking course.

You got got up and faced both of them with cold emotionless eyes and scoffed. "You son of a bitch." you said in a low voice, keeping your tone indifferent although you knew your eyes showed the betrayal ans disbelief you felt.

You shook your head at him in a mix of disbelief and disgust and walked away.  You walked straight for the door not sparing them a second glance even as c/n called your name.

Tears threatened to spill out of your eyes so you decided to just ditch your last class. What was the point, anyway? You went straight for the parking lot and unlocked your car in record time. You didn't plan on leaving the school because you had to F/n a ride, so you just sat in the drivers seat and played your music to try and drown out your thoughts.

You were actually having a pretty good time all by yourself in the car. Your favorite songs were playing and you were having a blast singing along at full volume. you heard someone tap the window of your car, you looked over too see who it was. C/n.

You sighed and hesitantly got out of the car to see what he wanted. "What?" You snapped.

C/n stared at you for what seemed like forever until he did something you didn't expect. He grabbed your hand and pulled into the tightest hug of your life.

"I'm so sorry.' he whispered into your ear. The scent of his cologne brought back memories from junior high that you would have otherwise forgotten. Just then, you realized that you missed the shit out of him, you missed his laugh, the way his eyebrows wrinkled when you made a joke he didn't get, the way both of you would be there for each other at the end of a rough day, you missed everything about him. You hesitantly lifted your arms and wrapped them around C/n, hugging him back.

Both of you stood there wrapped in each others embrace for who knows how long, until he finally let you go. He looked into your eyes and a sudden confidence struck his eyes. The next thing you knew his lips were on yours and you could taste the mint leftover from the gum he was chewing.

"P.s," he said, pulling away, "I like you too."

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