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Y/n: your name
C/n: crush's name
R/n: rival's name




"GIVE ME ATTENTION!" Exclaimed c/n.

"Mmmnnn." Was your only response.

"I made out with R/n."

"That's great."

"Don't you think this dress flatters my butt."

"Yup." You said, popping the p.

"Y/n!" Said c/n, throwing a pillow at you, hitting you in the head.

You slowly lifted your head out of the chemistry notes you were struggling to understand for the final exam, gave c/n a cold, hard glare, and looked back down at your notes. 

How the fucking hell do you calculate any of this thermochemistry shit? You thought, exasperated.

You let out a frustrated groan, and ran your hands through your hair for what seemed like the hundredth time. You tilted your head back, and shut your eyes tightly, trying your hardest not to scream from the agitation you were feeling.

"Hey," whispered c/n, "come on, let's take a break, he said, standing up from the bed.

"I can't." You sighed, looking back down at the notes.

"Yes. Yes you can." He said, grabbing your arm and pulling you off the bed.

You reluctantly let him pull you off the bed, and let him drag you to the living room downstairs. You sat down on the couch and fired up the t.v while c/n went over to go grab every single piece of junk food you had in your kitchen.

C/n came back with his arms full of chips, drinks, popcorn, ice cream, and other foods that were fattening, but so worth it because they taste amazing. "Which movie?" he asked, spreading the blanket so it covered both his legs and yours.

"I wanna watch Riverdale." You stated, already starting up Netflix before c/n could protest.

"Fine." He groaned.

You played the first episode of the first season, never getting tired of binge-watching this show because it was the shit, and sat down next to cn.
*time skip brought to you by Jack Avery's wonderful face*

By now, you were five episodes in and you were becoming super tired, like the type of tired where every time you blinked, your eyelids got heavier.

Unconsciously, you moved closer to c/n, leaning your head on his chest. Both of you were super into the show, so none of you noticed the action. C/n also unconsciously adjusted himself, putting an arm around your shoulders so the both of you were more comfortable.

You looked away from the show, your actions finally processing in your brain, but you didn't dare move. You liked where you were, and when were you ever gonna get a chance to cuddle with c/n again?

You looked up at him for a small second, watching his face as he became more and more absorbed into the show, then quickly looked away, not wanting to get caught drooling over his beautiful face.

As soon as you looked away, he looked back down at you, and you accidentally caught his eye. Feeling embarrassed, you tried to pull away from his embrace but he only pulled you in closer to him.

A small smile appeared on your lips and he looked back at the t.v show, his face matching yours.

"Hey." You whispered.

"Hey." He said back.

"Thank you." You said, talking about how without him you would still be stressing over a pointless test that wouldn't even matter soon enough, and also about the fact that he's always been there for you.

He looked down into your eyes for a long second, and pressed a kiss on the top of your forehead, that being the only response you needed.

You both turned your eyes back to the t.v show, small smiles both appearing on your faces. He absentmindedly traced small patterns on your skin, and you turned your head deeper into his chest m every time a scene came up that was a little to graphic or cringe-y for you to handle.

In those moments, the both of you knew that everything would be alright because you had each other. He was your rock, and you were the branch he hung onto to keep himself from falling.

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