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Request for @LostInPappers
enjoy :)
C/n: Crushes name
Y/n: Your name
You guys this imagine is a whole wattpad book
The bell rang. You bursted into your third period class, and took your seat next to c/n, clearly frazzled. Your teacher shook his head and slammed a detention slip on your desk but not after chewing you out in front of the class

C/n, the John Bender (bad boy, if you don't know who that is) of the school, was there in his signature black leather jacket, chewing on the end of his pen, while he wadded paper up into a ball, no doubt getting ready to throw it at someone.

He raised an eyebrow at you, and you shook your head as if it to say "today is not the day". C/n smirked at you held up a finger, as if to say "one moment please."

He uncrumpled the piece of paper he was previously getting ready to to throw, and drew something on it. He showed you what it was, and the corners of your mouth turned up into a small small, knowing it was a special attempt to cheer you up. The image he drew was an uncanny resemblance of your teacher but his face was one of a rat and he was on horseback and little fumes of stink were coming off of him.

Your teacher was sat down at his computer, doing teacher things, and the problems you were supposed to work on were displayed on the projector.

C/n stood up, the teacher looked at him.

"I need the pencil sharpener sir."

The teacher turned his attention back to his computer and ignored c/n as he walked towards the projector and swiftly put the price of paper down, then made his way to the pencil sharpener and stood there for a couple seconds, sharpening his pencil.

It took people a moment to notice what he had done, but by the time they did, c/n was sat down next to you.

Scattered snickers could be heard throughout the class and then got louder as they realized that there was a pile of poop on his head instead of hair. The text bubble read "Eh?". A so called catchphrase of the teachers.

Your teachers head turned up to see what was so funny and then when he turned his head towards the projector, there was steam coming out of his ears.

"C/l/n!" He erupted, immediately knowing the who the culprit was.

After issuing c/n three detentions, he took the piece of paper to throw it away, and went back to his computer.

"Thank you for that." you said, turning to him.

He ignored you and stared straight ahead, but you knew he had heard you.

"hey, c/n. thank you." You said, trying again. He ignored you.

"Alright, whatever, asshole." You mumbled.

This was a daily thing with him. At first he would be friendly with you, and then a switch flips and he becomes asshole of the year. Ignoring you wasn't the worst he'd done. Once he tripped you, causing you to land in a puddle of mud.

Every time he wanted to be friends, you happily let him in, every time he wanted to be an asshole, he was.

Why you had developed feelings for him, you had no idea. there was just something there, something you couldn't help but be immensely attracted to.

You did your work, and the bell finally rang, releasing you to lunch. C/n looked at you as if you were going to say something, but you got up before he could. His pencil rolled onto the floor and you picked it up for him, slamming it onto his desk with all the power you had, making it clear you weren't happy, and walked away.

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