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A/n: I'm so sorry I've been writing crappy stuff lately but I'm trying to put stuff out there that hopefully you guys all enjoy. Be patient with me and I promise that my writing will get better :)

Also, I'm sorry I take forever leave me alone sksk

Also, we're number 9 in #crushimagines !!!

Request for Grapeson_Loves_Me

Y/n: your name
C/n: crushes name
You were sitting at Starbucks with your favorite person. Your best guy friend, jack. You had so desperately needed a break from being cooped up in your room doing nothing but Netflix, study, sleep, and repeat. You texted jack and as always you both were ready to wreak havoc on the world by ordering more cake pops than necessary and depleting their supply.

"No see. Marvel may be better than D.C in movies, but D.C tv shows will forever reign supreme." You preached.

"Nope. No. No no no. Your words are poison. It's Marvel all the way okay." He tried to argue.

"No! Not okay" you said, playfully throwing the stick of your cake pop at him and laughing, not noticing  c/n had walked in.

Jack scrunched his nose and threw it back at you also laughing softly. "Hey you got a little something right there." He said, taking some whipped cream off of your Frappuccino and wiping it on your cheek.

"Jack I swear to the holiness that is Shawn Mendes I will end you." You said, glaring at him, still not knowing c/n had walked in and was watching your playful banter.

"Okay okay I'm sorry" he said chuckling, wiping the cream off.

"Hey y/n don't look not but c/n is right behind your shoulder and staring at you." He said

"Jack how do I not turn around?! Why is he looking at me??" a

A slow, mischievous smirk spread across jacks face, "he's jealous." He said.

"Jealous?! Jealous of what?" You exclaimed, trying not to be loud.

"I think he thinks we're together." He said slowly. By the look in his eyes you could tell he was coming up with a plan and you honestly were not sure weather you would like it or not.

"Let's make him even more jealous."

"And why would I do that?" You said.

"Just trust me okay. It'll work out. We're not gonna make it look like we're together, just a little closer than usual so he thinks there's something going on but isn't quite sure so that way he'll wanna come and talk to you and boom. My ship sails."

"I think you were Oprah in another life." You said back.

"I- how does that even- thank you?"

"You're welcome. Now let's do this" you said, flipping your hair over your shoulder to make you look a little nicer.

Jack pretended to say something funny and you giggled and placed your hand on his bicep. You pretended to squeeze his bicep and be shocked at how strong he is, and giggled again and flipped your hair around a little bit. A bit more of this went on until c/n came up to you guys, holding his drink in hand.

"Hey y/n, jack." He said, having a slight undertone to his voice that you couldn't quite figure out.

"Hey c/n" you smiled, "what's up?"

You scooted a little closer to jack and he put his arm around you and smiled. C/n's eyes went noticeably dark and his mood changed with a snap of a finger.

"Im leaving now." He said, sounding highly upset.

You purses your lips. "Are you sure?" You asked.

"Oh definitely. I wouldn't wanna interrupt you and your boyfriend here." He said, in a slightly salty tone of  voice.

Everything clicked in your mind and you realized that Jacks plan had worked. C/n was jealous. You smiled softly in recognition and nodded.

"Let me walk you to your car at least." You offered.

"O-okay." C/n agreed, confused as to why you would ask to walk him when your 'boyfriend' was here with you.

You smiled and wriggled your eyebrows at jack and then got up and grabbed your drink and smiled at   c/n and started walking with him.

You looked at him as you were walking out to the car and he seemed kinda upset.

"Hey what's wrong?" You asked.

"Don't." C/n said, clenching his jaw.

"D-don't what?" You asked, confused.

"Act like you care." He said coldly, looking straight ahead.

"But I do ca-" You began, before getting cut off by   c/n. He took your wrist and pulled you to a nearby secluded corner.

"You don't care. If you cared, I'd be the one you'd be sitting with at Starbucks, not jack. I'd be the one you'd be laughing with, not jack. I'd be the one making you laugh, not jack.... I'd be the one loving you... not jack." Said c/n, sighing quietly and walking away.

You inhaled sharply, and held his wrist, before he could turn away fully. You turned him back around to face you and smiles softly.

"It's always been you, c/n." You said, stepping foreword, closing the distance between the two of you.

You looked into his eyes, then at his lips, biting your own. You decided to be bold, ( you go girl ) and that's what you were.

You brought your hands up, and placed them on his neck, leaning in and connecting your lips with his in a passionate, tender way. Your lips danced together in a fiery tango of passion. (look I know it sounds weird I just wanted to try it out okay) His hands drifted to your waist, pulling you closer.

You pulled your lips back, keeping your foreheads connected, breathing deeply.

"Wow." He said, breathlessly.

"Goodness, it's about time, people." Said Jack, about to walk past the corner but saw the two of you together and just had to say something. He took a sip of his pink drink and began the journey back to his car.

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