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iM aLiVe

Request for @Demoncloud . I hope you like it :)
Tomorrow's the day. The day you've been waiting for since you stepped foot in this insufferable, well, almost insufferable school. Graduation. Fucking finally.

You were so ready for this day. As you sat in class while your yearbook was being passed around, you couldn't help but doze off and daydream about the moment you walk the stage.

A while later, your bell rang, dismissing you from your last class of the day.

As you packed your bag and made sure you had everything, c/n, who's a junior as you were a senior, walked up to you, holding your yearbook out towards you. He looked slightly concerned or worried, you couldn't tell which.

"H-here's your yearbook, y/n"

"Thank you c/n." You smiled, "is everything okay?"

"Oh. Yeah. Yes. I'm just stressed bc of that quiz we just took." He said, lying straight through his teeth, but you couldn't see that.

"Alright. You're gonna be at the ceremony tomorrow right?"

C/n nodded softly, "my cousin is graduating with you tomorrow."

"That's rigghhttt, e/n." You remembered. Yuh couldn't help but say her name with a little bit of despise even when you were talking to your crush.

"It's okay. I hate her too." He chuckled.

"Sorry," you said apologetically, "I didn't mean to be so blunt about it."

"No don't worry. She's just jealous since everyone sees you as the prettiest person here." He smirked.

"Oh shush, I'm definitely not prettier than her."

"You so are. She forgets that being the most beautiful doesn't just mean on the outside, but on the inside too. But you, you always remember that, even if it's not the very last thing on your mind, you're gorgeous on the inside and that's what makes you so stunning on the outside."

"I- thank you." You said, blushing so hard you couldn't meet his eye.

"Anytime y/n. I'll see you tomorrow." He said, walking off to where his ride waited.

You couldn't erase your smile the whole way home after that.

You got home meaning to read your yearbook, but you knew that you wouldn't have any time until the absolute moment before you went to bed, so you decided that that's when you would do it. The excitement of figuring out what people wrote would hopefully get you to complete your tasks quicker.

You had to get your nails done, iron your dress, lay out the supplies for your hair and makeup so that you wouldn't have to spend the time searching for products, your parents wanted to go out to dinner with just you before you went to one the next day with your whole family, and you had to shave. God knows how long that takes.

*time skip to the next morning brought to you by me questioning if I maybe make a social media for this account but I doubt anyone would follow sksks*

It's now the morning of graduation. Your alarms woke you up at 5:30, making sure you had more than enough time to get ready and eat breakfast with your cousins who arrived last night.

Before you got out of bed, you had one order of business you had to complete. You took your yearbook off of your nightstand and flipped the lights on.

You opened the covers and started reading the notes.  Most of them said "hey y/n! It was so fun getting to know you and I hope you're successful in life. Stay cool" or something along the lines of that.

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