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A/n: dedicated to the beautiful man I met today but forgot to ask for his number rip me.

Also, I know it's not Halloween anymore LeAvE mE aLoNe.

C/n: crush's name
Y/n: your name
F/n: friends name

You were out at a Halloween festival/carnival type thing with your closest friend and had done many things. You took a hayride, played some arcade games, and ate some funnel cake.

You and your friend were walking around to find something to do when f/n spotted the zip line. "Y/n. We have to go do that. Please tell me we're gonna go do that."

"I-I can't." You said, looking up at the platform you were supposed to jump off of. It was very high. Very very very high. Too high.

"Please y/n, please??" Begged f/n.

"F/n. I'm telling you. I cannot do that."

"Y/nnnnnn it's not that bad." she whined.

You took a deep breath. It was about time you faced one of your fears, or at least attempted to. Your stomach filled with butterflies, the kind you get before you go up to do a presentation, or tell your mother about how you accidentally cracked your phone because it "slipped out of your pocket" and not because you were trying to see how well it would balance standing upwards on a book balanced on your head.

"Fine." You said.

Y/n squealed in excitement and you laughed lightly, not being able to laugh like a normal person because of the nerves twisting and churning in your stomach. The both of you got into the line, and tried to talk to each other to distract your nerves but failing because you couldn't focus on anything but fidgeting everywhere.

Finally your turns arrived, so you walked to the booth, handed the volunteer the money, and then went to go get your harnesses strapped in. F/n went first to one of the women who were open, leaving you to go to the other dude who was there. You definitely didn't mind though, he was quite good looking.

You walked up to him, still fidgeting.

"Hi there." He said.

"Hello." You said, mustering up a smile.

"First time." He asked, while starting to buckle you in.

"That obvious?" You said, chuckling softly.

"No, actually, I just figured it was because I definitely would have noticed you here if it wasn't." He smiled cheekily.

You smiled and shook your head. "Smooth, harness boy, smooth."

"Harness boy?" He laughed, "you don't wanna know my name?"

"Nah, I figure it'll give me incentive to try my hardest not to die up there." You joked.

"Okay zip line girl. Come back to me." Laughed Harness Boy.

"I will try my hardest." You said dramatically as you left to walk up the stairs to the zip line, smiling like crazy due to the cute little encounter you had.

Reaching the top, you took a deep breath as you walked to the person who was supposed to strap you to the zip line. He strapped you on and you asked him if he could push you if you didn't jump.

"3...2...1..." he counted.

With each number he counted down, you took a step backwards, edging yourself closer to the safety of the ledge. Until he reached zero, then you were pushed.

Before you knew it you were riding along almost laughing in exhilaration at the speed and the feeling of wind across your skin. You reached the end and caught yourself, letting the person unhook you.

You could not stop smiling. You were breathing deep and were energized due to the pumps of adrenaline coursing through your veins. As overused as the expression is, you felt like you could run a marathon.

You walked down the hill you landed on, skipping around to spend some of your energy. All you wanted to do was scream out loud and run around. You never run.  You were that energized.

You made your way back to Harness Boy smiling. "Hello Harness Boy."

"Zip Line Girl! You made it." He said happily.

"Aww Harness Boy, did you ever doubt I would?"

He chuckled. "It's c/n."

"Y/n" you said, introducing yourself.

You felt he was going as slow as he possibly could on your harness in order to talk to you, and the line was starting to grow. "Hey c/n."


"Do you think you could uh, give me your number maybe?" You asked.

C/n smiles. "I'd love that."

You handed him your phone so he could quickly put his number in and he did.

Smiling at him one last time you started to walk away, then felt a pair of hands, his hands, wrap around your wrist and pull you to him.

You placed your hands on his chest.

He leaned in.

You leaned in.

His lips were about to touch yours.

Your lips were about to touch his.

He delicately brushed the stray hair out of your face.

You smiled softly, moving your hands from his chest to the back of his neck.

His hands went to your waist.

It was gonna-

"Y/N!" Screeched f/n.

Both of you jumped back.

"Y-Yeah. I'm coming." You smiled softly at c/n, "farewell Harness Boy."

"Till next time Zip Line Girl." He smiled.

You felt your own smile starting to appear on your lips as you walked away and to f/n.

"See, not that bad." She smiled.

"No. Not bad at all." You said, not being able to stop smiling.

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