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Y/n: Your name
C/n: Crush name
E/n: Enemy name
H/c: Hair color
F/n: Friend name
The crowd erupted into cheers as you scored the tiebreaker goal for your team. It was the championship for your schools soccer team and you could not afford to lose yet another championship game. For the last five years your school had never won a championship game, sure you had made it to one, but you always ended up losing. You were here to change that. You couldn't afford to lose because it would ruin your self esteem and not to mention the honor of the school. F/n's brother who was also your crush, C/n, was here and you did not want to embarrass yourself.

It was the second half and there were five minutes left. A lot could happen in five minutes, your team could lose dominance over the ball, someone could get injured, the other team would sub out a player, and eventually a goal could be scored.

You'd been playing soccer for six years now and your mind had been conditioned to analyze every move a person made out on the field, so it was no surprise to you when a player on the opposing team had a misstep and you were able to steal the ball.

The clock was running and there was a minute and thirty seconds left. In that time you had to get across the feild, past the defense, and shoot the ball past the goalie into the goal. In about twenty seconds you were able to weave your way past the strikers, and the midfield and you were struggling to get past defense.

Luckily, F/n was by your side in no time. She got open for you to pass the ball to her, and you did. When you passed the ball, all of the defense charged towards her, leaving you open. At the last second, F/n passed you the ball and you took a breath, aimed, and shot the ball. The ball whizzed straight past the goalie's head and into the net.

At the exact second the goal was made, the whistle was blown by the referee, signaling the end of the game.

You had won the game.

The home side of the bleachers blew up into cheers and applause. You ran over to F/n and gave her a high five and hugged her, also greeting the rest of your teammates the same way.

The coach was so happy he threw his clipboard to the ground, jumped, and pumped his fists victoriously. You walked off of the feild with your team, all of them talking and celebrating their victory.

You were talking to one of your teammates when  F/n tapped you on the shoulder and told you to look to your right.

When you did, you were greeted with the sight of C/n with a bouquet of your favorite flowers. You thought they were for you because he smiled at you, and of course you smiled back.

You made your way over to him and just as you were about to reach him E/n, who was also on the team, jumped in front of you throwing her arms around C/n, whom she also obviously liked.

Of friggin course. You thought.

You wished you could take off your cleat and chuck it at her head, and you probably would have if your coach didn't call your name. 

You took a deep breath and turned around, telling yourself that you were a strong and independent woman who didn't need the approval of a man, and that you would enjoy the championship victory with the rest of your team who had decided that they wanted to celebrate at a bowling alley, which was what your coach wanted to tell you.

*Time skip broght to you by Sam Winchester's freakin luscious hair*

You were getting ready to go to the bowling alley with F/n at her house, where you had slept over the night before. You and F/n slept over at each other's houses so often, that you have a drawer where you keep extra clothes at each other's houses.

From your drawer at F/n's house, you picked out black jeans with rips at the knees, a white crop top, and white Converse. F/n put your H/c hair into light waves, and she did your makeup, making it look natural, but bold. Afterwards, you did her hair and makeup, and you guys got ready to leave the house.

You grabbed your purse and as you were going out the door, C/n called F/n's name.

"Hey sis, mind if I come with? No? Cool, let's go." He said, not even giving F/n a chance to answer.

You were getting picked up by your teammate and by the time you all got outside the house, she was there waiting. You and F/n looked each other in the eyes competitively. You both had a running competition of whoever gets to the passenger seat first.

F/n smirked and took off before you even had a chance to count down, leading her to win.

"You so cheated." You told her, climbing into the backseat.

"Believe me, I did it for you." She said, nodding her head towards C/n's direction, who was on his phone, no doubt texting E/n.

You gave F/n a sad smile and shook your head, silently conveying the message 'its never gonna happen'.

C/n walked to the car, by the door where you, F/n, and your teammate were conversing. When F/n climbed into the car, it signaled the conversation was over so you turned around aiming to get into the car also.

But if course, that didn't happen. Of course, you being you, you accidentally bumped into C/n, and he dropped his phone.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. Here." You told him, picking his phone up for him.

He had an agitated look on his face and said "How 'bout you watch where your going you dumb fuck."

You scoffed, not wanting to deal with his shit while you were supposed to be on your way to go have a good time.You shoved your way past him, roughly hitting his shoulder, conveying that you were fed up, and got into the car, sitting as far away from him as possible.

The whole entire ride you felt his eyes on you but you didn't dare to look back. You did everything you could to distract yourself. You played Candy Crush on your phone, looked out the window, played Candy Crush some more, basically anything it took for you to not look at him the whole ride.

You guys finally arrived at the bowling alley, all getting out of the car. F/n and your teammate were engaged in conversation, and you were in a riveting level of Bubble Mania.

Before you could enter, you felt a strong pair of arms wrap around your wrist. Pulling away your wrist, you turned around to see who it was. Seeing that it was C/n you scoffed and crossed your arms, waiting for him to speak.

"What?" You asked him.

"I just... I just wanted to say I'm sorry." He said.

"Sorry for what?" You said.

"I'm sorry for calling you a dumb fuck. I'm sorry for being a jackass. I'm sorry for making your life harder than it had to me. I'm sorry... I'm sorry for being completely and utterly in love with you."

Then, you did something neither of you expected. You pulled him into you, pressing his lips against yours. The kiss was gentle, but passionate, slow but firm, safe to say it was the best kiss you had experienced.

"You're lucky I love you too." You said taking his hand, "but what about E/n?"

"I don't think we'll have to worry about her anymore."He said, sliding an arm around your waist and noddingto the window where E/n was sitting in a booth, and staring at us with literal steam coming out of her ears.

"First I win a championship game and now this. It's a friggin great day." You said, walking hand and hand into the alley with C/n, knowing this relationship would be one for he books.

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