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The last backstory of the Nightshade.Levy


     His name is Levy,a smart and active kid who's always on top of everything he does except his parents pay more attentions to his older brother that aren't as good as him.
     His brother had a chronic diseases,when his brother were born the doctor diagnosed him with a lung infection.To Levy.. His brother doesn't exist.When people ask him about it he would told them a pretty white lies.
       Years pass and his brother are getting better.. His academic and sports are almost the same as Levy and that's when Envy strike his heart.He felt that his parent are neglecting him,he never get praise or compliment on anything he does.
     All the attention goes to his sick brother,he dance with the devil  ..on a night while celebrating his brother 15th birthday he put a poisons inside every food that are serve to the guest.
     Everyone dies.. Including his brother.. Which he gave a small amount of poison as he watches him die in agony.He never expect that he'd find happiness killing people.He crave for more.
     One of the survived victims call the police and not long after that he's arrested.Convicted to first degree murder the court decided to gave him a seconds chance.. By sending him to rehabilitation center.100 warden,600 male inmate and 500 female inmate.
    In his eyes. ..everyone's he see is just a worthless living thing that he could kill.. To satisfy his lust.He poured ten bottle of bleach inside the main water tank as he watches everyone dies.He dance with the dead body of the inmate..staring deep into their eyes..
      He laughed enjoying every moment of it.. Until the sunrise.. The guard who changes shift with the night guard arrives and what he see are out of his mind.He call for help and as soon as reinforcements arrive.. He surrender himself .
      The psychologist had confirms that Levy had a separate personality.. Which one is smarts,genuine and prideful while the other part of him are evil,shady and merciless.
     MATA saw the potential of Levy as an agent and UNO is the one who's responsible on recruiting him.

    -I'm not evil,it's just my I'm tired of being unappreciated by others  ..So what bout now?Am I better than that dying fuckers?RIGHT??!?

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