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"We'll divide into four group,the first group will be leaded by Rudy,Chris and Zass together with your trainee your target locations are west,second group will be leaded by Roza and Moon together with Ranjit and Django your targer locations are south,third group will be Iman, Khai your target locations are on the eastside and the fourth group will be leaded by Jet and the rest of the remaining agents are going with them both..Dismiss!".The cold situations are felt by every single agents ..the warm hearted leader turn into an ice cold Prince who's determine to save his beloved mentor.. Fate decide,not even the wisest and strongest man alive could defy it.
     The four group splitted,each moving to their target locations with hope that they can end The Massacre.NightShade won't be easy to be deal with it's because their strenght,mobility and intelligence are three times higher than normal human.The first group has arrives at their location,the west dock.. A place where smugglers and mafia making a trade,such as drugs,arms and human trafficking.Its usually crowded but tonight.. It's different,only red liquid covering the ground but no dead body..
    Out of the darkness.. A man came out wearing a white suits with blood tainted on it.. With just a single glance Rudy realize that they're dealing with the second strongest member of NightShade.. Levy a.k.a The Boogeyman or better known as the Bughuul.On his left hand he hold a dagger while on the right is a peacemaker.Sinister smiles are drawn on his face.. A mind of maniac who kill for fun..
     "Levy.. As I expected".He stares at Rudy with a sinister look,and an evil grin as if he knows Rudy for a lifetime.Slowly he approach Rudy while the other Agents are on their guard.The man came closer but Rudy remain calm.. As the man raised his hand Chris activate his weapon.. But.. It's not as they expected.
     "RUDY-CHAN YOU'VE GROWN UP AND YOU'RE CUTE AS ALWAYS!!!"said the man petting his head.The other agents are confused of the thing that's just happen.Nobody ..ever done that to Rudy before like.. Who is he to him.
    "Levy.. We're here to stop you..".The man stop from petting his head and step back into the dark before vanishing into thin air.
     "As expected ..he run away.. Let's go to ---.A dagger just went through Chris.. He's not running away but he's hiding in the shadow like a ninja.Chris fall to the ground with his eye wide open.. Realizing he left his guard down.
      " ..In The Dark,I Bloom Like A Flower!!"another dagger are thrown out of nowhere aiming for Zass but he manage to evade it.
     "Fast. .but everytime you used your super speed you had to stop even for a seconds.. And that's a tragic flaw my friend".He fire a shot using his peacemaker but luckily Zass somehow manage to escape from death.
     "Good grief.. You're fast.. But your left arms has a little cut".His dagger are blended with a poisonous venom of a scorpions.Zass movements became slower as the poison enter his body.The poisons paralyze all of his nerve leaving him lying weak on the ground.
     "Sadly.. I must leave now.. See u again Rudy"

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