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Aria sat on the crowded late night transit bus, coming home from a long day of work at the hospital. She held an already opened envelope in her right hand and gazed out of the window next to her; desperately trying to draw her mind away from the overpowering sound of a thousand conversations going on at once. She focused on the the busted up houses that characterized the whole city. And the little kids still roaming the streets in the dark. And the fact that basically every gas station and market was coated heavily with graffiti.

This town was a breading ground for crime. Since the mayors and governors found solace in enjoying their governmental privileges, they never seemed to bother with low income citizens as they were more of a nuisance than an obligation. Looking around at the undeniable proof of a damaged community only further reminded Aria that she had to move her and her family away from this place. But it seemed like the more she wished for a better life, the harder it became to achieve it.

In the envelope Aria held in her hand, there was a letter explaining the reasoning behind the two hundred dollar cut from her bi-weekly checks. Since most of the patients who come to the hospital don't have health insurance, the hospital hasn't been making alot of money. So the only plausible solution was to make pay cuts to all of the employees.

Aria's hands shook from frustration. It was difficult to support her family even before the pay cut. And now, it was just gonna get harder. She was gonna have to get another job if she wanted to pay the gas and water bills on time.

"Stockton Avenue" the bus driver lazily announced over the loud speaker, snapping Aria out of her thoughts. She maneuvered herself through the crowded walk way of the bus, got off, and walked towards her house that was a few blocks away.

Aria was the only one to get off at this stop. The streets were oddly quiet and the wind only made the chill in the air even colder. The sound of her shoes tapping against the concrete created a familiar rhythm. She focused only on the tempo at her feet as a distraction from the eerie silence of the dark and secluded street.

When her feet started to serve as an ineffective diversion, Aria started to think about what to do when she got home. She could already see the look of disappointment on her mother's face as soon as she hears about the pay cut. Both her mother and stepfather were not able to hold down a job since one was an abusive alcoholic and the other was known to use street drugs. The fact that Aria was the only breadwinner at home only made the pressure of her lessened pay check that much heavier.

She had just passed the back road that ran behind a local strip club and was about to turn the corner when the loud sounds of multiple gun shots made her freeze. At first, she froze from shock, but then she backed up slowly, trying to figure out which direction the shots came from. Either way, it was best to stay out of sight.

Aria turned around and quickly and ran back to the alley that she had just passed. She hid in the shadows, her back clinging to the cold brick wall. Her heart started to race; more from the feeling of anxiety than the actual exhaustion of running. The shots seemed to go on forever before they suddenly stopped and the streets went quiet again.

She wasn't sure what to do now. Should she stay in the alley for a little while longer? Or should she make a run for it? Her legs were shaking and she couldn't decide on the best course of action. By the time her legs started working again and she was ready to run, a firm hand had grabbed her arm and pulled her back. Aria let out a sharp yelp and the man pushed her back against the wall and covered her mouth with his hand.

The only source of light in the alley way was from the moon. And from that, Aria could make out the man's green hair and scarred face.

"Where did he go" he asked, slowly tightening the grip on her arm and taking his hand away from her mouth.

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