There's a guy
God there's a guy
I leave soon
This was a bad idea
But i'm going to love every second of pain
After all, I caused it
I like the feeling when I'm with him
I feel whole
Whole again.
But as Beebo says
"If you're a lover, you should know
The lonely moments just get lonelier
The longer you're in love
Than if you were alone "
So I fall apart when I'm alone
Now is that time.
He's amazing
A great person
(I'm listening to Linkin Park so thats why this is hella depressing)
I don't know what I'm gonna do
Any suggestions?
I'm close to the L word
fuck me
Actually i wish he would
I told him to read this so idk how it'll go
I'm sorry I'm such a fuck up. Really.
Also (heh communicating through shit posts on wattpad) I have issues with eye contact, I might've mentioned this before. I can't look people in eyes because of anxiety. It's stupid, I know.
Idk what else to add. I'll come back if i think of more.
(One More Light~ Linkin Park)
As always,