Chapter 2 Ⅱ

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I stared blankly at Angel's father sitting next to me, my already broken heart tearing even further at the words he told me. "She doesn't want me there...?"

He turned his gaze to the wall, sighing heavily. "You gave her quite a fright when she woke up."

"I didn't mean to!" I quickly defended, anxious about every little thing, partly because of my lack of sleep, but mostly because of my nerves about Angel getting better.

"I know," he calmly reassured me. "I know. But she doesn't know that. She doesn't even know her own mother right now. This is going to be difficult for all of us and we're all going to need to make sacrifices."

"This isn't just a sacrifice..." I muttered helplessly. "She's my whole life... I need her more than anything, I... I don't know what to..." My voice broke and I fell back against the wall, my limbs disobeying me.

I could tell that Steve felt bad about all this, but I knew there was nothing he could do.

It's all your fault, I scolded myself again. You did this. It's all your fault...

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