My Friend Loki: The Price You Pay

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Story by Masada42.
Edited by Techtra & Don 


While visiting a mall I frequent regularly, as I headed toward the food court, I suddenly heard a familiar voice behind me call out my name.

Whatever had been weighing on my mind previously, it disappeared and a smile came to my lips. I turned around.

"Loki! Good to see you." I said.

"May I accompany you for a time?" Loki asked, his voice sounding a bit shy, along with a hesitant look on his face.

"That would be great," I replied, "I was heading over to the food court to get a snack, and I'd appreciate the company."

Loki nodded, his hesitant look now transformed into a shy smile.

As we approached the area, I looked at the usual restaurants available and contemplated my options. I already knew what I was going to choose, but sometimes my choices would change when I would see a new item on the menu.

I turned to my companion. "You probably don't get many chances to visit such places. Allow me the opportunity to get you something."

"Beverlee, that's very kind, but you don't have to do that."

"It would be my pleasure to do so."

Loki looked around carefully at the various restaurants, then looked back at me, bemused.

"They all look interesting. What would you suggest?"

"I don't know. What kind of foods did you enjoy on Asgard? What is your preference, sweet or savoury?"

"I think a better question is... 'what will you be having?'"

"I'll be having coffee and a muffin," I replied.

"Ah. My brother likes coffee. I'm not exactly fond of the stuff."

I thought for a moment. What would be a good beverage to choose for a Frost Giant, who was also considered a God. No pressure...!

Suddenly it came to me.

Taking our tray of items from our chosen restaurant, we sat down in one of the areas of designated seating for food court patrons. Loki took his cup off the tray and I took my coffee and carrot muffin.

I watched him take a sip from the straw, eager to know what he thought of the selected beverage.

"This is... delightful!" Loki said, an expression of happiness lighting up his face, "decadent and delicious. Thank you, Beverlee! "

They say what matters the most are the little things, the little moments. For me, this was a prime example. The happiness that was radiating on Loki's face, it was not unlike a kid at Christmas.

And that smile. It was infectious... I felt very touched.

"You're welcome," I said, "I'm so glad you enjoy the milkshake."

Sadly, this moment would not last long as we would be rudely interrupted - a voice called out to Loki, one I didn't immediately recognize...

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