Part 8

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I didn't want Coulson or Thor to accompany me to see Loki, because I felt there would be bias if he saw me with either one. I asked for the employee who escorted us to the briefing room earlier to take me there.

She took me to Loki's holding cell instead of the interview room - Coulson found this the easiest way to submit to my 'demands' and also thought it would be more comfortable.

The Security Guard managing the main controls of the cells handed me a palm-sized communication device with various buttons. Due to my special concessions, it was important to be given one. He briefly explained to me how it worked - to be used not only to alert them when I wanted to exit the cell but also just in case there was any trouble or emergency. I hoped I would only be using it for exit purposes.

As I put the device in my pocket, I thought I would engage the security guard, "how has Loki been faring in here?"

"He's been very quiet," he responded, "just seems to only want to sleep. He also hasn't been eating either." He looked at me carefully, "definitely not the same person I had heard of during the Battle of New York. How the mighty have fallen."

It would just be wasting time and breath to explain or even argue with this person. I just nodded as I processed what I had been told.

The security guard then pressed the appropriate buttons releasing the force field to let me enter. As soon as I walked through, I saw the employee leave. I then heard the faint hum of the force field return as it was replaced behind me.

I could see Loki in the corner of the cell, resting on his mattress. A sharp pang of sympathy pierced my heart. He looked very vulnerable lying there; his inky black tresses tousled, how he was curled up on the mattress and fitfully sleeping... much the same of an injured animal.

I stood and waited for a moment, trying to figure out how to proceed, since I wasn't expecting him to be asleep. I need not have worried, however, because, at that moment, he began to stir.

"Loki?" I said, but soon realized only those with a parabolic microphone only heard that one, so I spoke a little louder, "Loki!" Thankfully that was enough. He opened his sleepy eyes.

"Beverlee?" he whispered, a small smile came to his face.

"Are you trying to write a book on the best cells and prisons in the universe?"

"If I was, this place wouldn't even make the cut," he said, sitting up, "are you really... here?"

"Yes, my friend," I said with happiness and much relief, "I'm here. I'm REALLY here."

As Loki moved off his mattress, I noticed he immediately clutched at his side for a moment, then began to walk over to me. I could see he was limping a little and as he got closer there seemed to be evidence of a bruise that was healing on his cheek. Was that from Thor? SHIELD? Or was it from the assignment? I decided not to ask. Yet.

I quickly walked toward him to close the gap between us. As we reached each other, he took both of my hands in each his own, then our fingers interlaced. His thumb moved to gently press on my wrist as if to make sure I was real and not otherwise. Satisfied with the examination, he spoke.

"Beverlee, I'm so glad Thor found you," his blue-green eyes alight, although I could also see a torment and conflict within, "I almost thought you wouldn't come."

"For you," I said in a matter-of-fact tone, "of course I would!"

"With what's happened... what you must have been told, I couldn't be sure," he spoke in hushed, unsettled tones, "what you must think of me, what...they... now think of me... I may never see you again."

My Friend Loki: The Price You PayWhere stories live. Discover now