Part 21

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Both Thor and I turned our heads to the sound of the chime.

"Maybe, I should check what that's about?" I asked, looking at Thor.

"Might be best you do," Thor said, releasing my hands.

I put a hand on Thor's shoulder, "I'm sorry, Thor. Loki is very... vulnerable right now, and it bothers me that no one takes that seriously."

"Beverlee, I promise you, he won't be in there for long," Thor said.

I got up and sat in front of Dr. Lowenstein's computer. He had received another email. Thinking it was important, I opened it.

I read the email aloud, "employees in R&D Office on Omega Level, are requested to attend an important meeting in Delta Level Conference Room H at 10:00 am. Dr. Lowenstein, your presence is requested."

Hmm, that wasn't too long from now, about less than ten minutes? I wondered if Tom was being requested to attend because the meeting was relating to the gas leak?

Wait a tick.

Coulson had taken Loki to Omega Level for detainment.

R&D would be a place that worked on all kinds of things - including developing weapons to defend our planet. Could that include the research of... Chitauri weapons? Was it also possible, that the division that was assigned to monitor Loki's wrist tracker was somehow part of the R&D Office?

"Beverlee, look!" Thor said, his voice anxious as he pointed to the screens.

On one of them, I noticed that someone had entered the room where Loki was, and he was holding a rifle-like item.

"That's a Chitauri Rifle," Thor said.

Thor and I looked at each other for a moment, then looked back at the screen - helplessly watching as the man brandished the weapon while talking to Loki, the expression on his face quite angry and determined.

"It seems like Loki is attempting to charm his visitor with his silver tongue," Thor said, which I had to agree, discerning from the body language. Nonetheless, this man seemed like he wasn't having any of it.

"I have to contact Tom," I said in a whisper. I pulled out my smartphone, and with shaky hands, powered it on. However the battery power was very low, and I hadn't yet had the opportunity to charge it. Knowing I had to work fast, I began to type a text to Lowenstein. Frustration set in as my nerves caused my hands to shake, with auto-correct preventing me from typing a straightforward message - and I was also trying to keep my eyes on the security screen to make sure Loki was all right.

Then it happened.

The man shot Loki.

My heart stopped.

The man's aim was true. The weapon's discharge was powerful, rocking the man backwards forcing him to take a step. Loki was hit hard; lifted off his feet and thrown to the bars at the back of his cell. He immediately fell to the floor and did not move.

I screamed in my mind, Loki, get up!

Loki didn't seem to be getting up.

I cried, "you bastard," under my breath, my anger and upset now at fever pitch.

Realizing I hadn't sent my message to Tom yet, I looked down at my smartphone to hit send.

But my phone was now dead.

"Beverlee," Thor said, "we have to get to that level. Now."

Then we noticed something else happening on-screen.

The man who shot Loki opened up the door to leave...

Only to find Coulson blocking his exit, Coulson was aiming a gun at the assailant's face.

Thor was right, we had to get there.


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