Part 19

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As we got close to the cafeteria, Coulson suddenly remembered an important task on his agenda, something that couldn't wait, but would join us after he took care of it.

"Tom," Coulson said, "please tell Chef..?"

"To keep some extra batter on hand? You bet," Tom said.

When we entered the cafeteria the place was populated with many agents and employees, some in line and many taking up the majority of tables.

"It seems like the pancakes here are a popular item," I said, observing the people at the various tables eating the tasty stacks.

"They are," Tom said, "Chef has made pancake days into a special event. You see, it's not just the pancakes that are world class, but what is served with them. All kinds of fruit, along with eggs and bacon." Tom smiled as he spotted a table to accommodate the four of us, and made a gesture with his head to follow him. "It's like giving our people a taste of home, or something that makes them feel at home."

"I like and agree with the concept," I said. "Food does help bring people together."

Once we were seated at the table, Tom went into the lineup to put in our orders and came back with a jug of orange juice and a carafe of coffee. We knew it would take some time before our food was ready, so we fell into some small talk.

"So, the Chinese Garden..." Tom said, looking at me with a smile, "how did you and Loki like our little paradise?"

"Very relaxing," I replied, "and... enlightening," I turned to Loki, "what would you say about the place?"

"It was beautiful," Loki replied, looking at me, "and very peaceful." A thoughtful smile appeared, "that waterfall..."

"The Green Tea path is one of the nicest walks to choose," Tom said. "I am glad you both experienced it."

"I hope Bruno isn't in any trouble for taking us there... is he?" I asked.

"Not at all," Tom replied, "working in medical, Bruno has some special clearances. Although Loki is under investigation, he is also currently classified as a patient. So that gives him some leeway to be able to access certain facilities as long as he is under supervision."

"Coulson said I was no longer under investigation," Loki said, in a concerned tone.

"He didn't exactly say that, Loki," Tom clarified. "Coulson is working on a theory, " he briefly glanced at me, "and a strong one at that, due to your testimony given to us by Beverlee."

"But, if I am still under investigation... why give me the pretense of freedom?"

"Well, we haven't officially sorted everything, and until the paperwork is filed... even in name only, that classification still stands."

I could sense much tension from Loki, and I couldn't blame him. I mean, Coulson didn't exactly lie to us, and working on a case would involve certain procedures and protocols, but to be told something like that... I then recalled my conversation with Loki earlier about how he thought Coulson might find a way to make the evidence look like he was the guilty party. To have that kind of loophole...

I broke out of my reverie - and very abruptly... the sound of Loki's fist slam on the table.

Most of the other patrons in the cafeteria seemed to have the same reaction.

"This is madness!" he roared. "Here I am, injured by one of your people and you continue to make me wait for justice?" The intensity of his voice increased with anger, "last night, I realized I KNOW who shot me and killed my teammate!"

With the way heads not-so-subtly turned, I had a feeling almost everyone in the cafeteria overheard Loki. But more than that, I was dumbfounded by what Loki had just revealed. We never discussed the case last night, so unless while I was sleeping...

Had he discovered something?

"Brother, who is it?" Thor asked in a surprised tone. "together we will make sure you get justice!"

"No, Thor," Loki said, very stressed. "This has to be told to Coulson alone!"

"Loki," I tried to say.

"Don't talk to me," he said to me curtly, "I should have known better than to be friends with you. So much for your help! You make me feel like you care, but I see the truth - you'd only be too happy to let SHIELD lock me away." With some difficulty, Loki stood up from his wheelchair, "well, this 'under investigation patient' is going to find Coulson, unsupervised, and tell him what I know!"

And with that, he walked away from the table and left the cafeteria.

Heart pounding like a hammer, I got up from my chair to try and stop him, but Thor grabbed my arm.

"Let me go, Thor!" I cried, trying to resist his grip, even though I knew that was pointless.

"Let him be," Thor said. "He needs to cool down."

I would have found that amusing had the situation been different. Instead, I could only register the basic meaning of the words spoken. I had found that Thor wasn't always smart when it came to his brother, but in this case, I had no choice but to trust him. Loki's words had cut me like a knife, and I was shaking. Nevertheless, my friend, whom I couldn't believe right now was otherwise, was correct.

This was all madness.

And then, at that very moment, our order of pancakes were ready.    

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