Part 14

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As I wheeled Loki into the waiting room where Tom and Thor were, their expressions were both of pleasant surprise - and Tom made a thumbs up gesture.

"I'm so glad you could both join us," Tom said, his voice ever cheerful.

"As am I," said Thor, "we have much to discuss."

"I concur with that," I said.

"Let's go then," Loki said eagerly.


The SHIELD Cafeteria was populated with several agents and employees, and as we entered the area further, I felt that our group were like the proverbial train wreck - I swear everyone was staring at us.

Despite what Loki said to me in his room, I was well aware he might experience some awkwardness before adjusting to being around our other two companions, let alone who else was now seeing him in the cafeteria. I was very proud of him for being so brave. Once we had stopped in the general area of where patrons made their orders/choices, I gently put my hand on Loki's shoulder, just to remind him again of my presence. It was unexpected and rather sweet when I felt his hand come up to grasp mine, giving it a gentle squeeze - letting me know he was okay. He then proceeded to gently pull on my hand, which I took to mean he wanted me to lean in closer to his face, which I did. Loki whispered in my ear two words...

"Screw 'em."

This made me chuckle along with bringing a very amused smile to my face - that was the Loki I knew! From behind, I briefly gave him an affectionate hug around his neck.

This Cafeteria boasted quite the selection of meals, more variety than my local mall food court offered. I began to feel quite befuddled on what to choose and noticed Thor and Loki also seemed to be having the same trouble as I was.

"If I may make a suggestion," Dr. Lowenstein said, his voice made us all turn to look at him, "I know the chef here, and if you are all up for it, he can make for us an epic charcuterie and cheese board." Upon seeing the confusion among us, he explained, "It's a platter of a variety of smoked and cured meats and different cheeses, along with fruit and nuts with crackers and bread and all kinds of delicious spreads."

"That sounds delightful!" I said. Since Loki had not eaten for a while, I thought snacking on those items shouldn't overburden his digestive system - even considering his Frost Giant physiology. "Count me in. What do you say, guys?"

Thor and Loki nodded happily in agreement.


Dr. Lowenstein's chef friend did not disappoint in the least. The charcuterie and cheese board that was presented to us was absolutely a feast for our eyes, and then, our taste buds.

"With something like this, one usually would have wine to go with it," Tom said, "but the best I can do is this." He held a bottle of ginger ale, and poured the beverage into four red Solo cups, then passed them around.

Because of Loki's injuries, it was too difficult for him to reach toward the long board on the table. I was happy to oblige. With some clarification from Tom, letting us know the morsel's type and how spicy, Loki pointed out the morsels he wanted and I arranged them on his plate. Then it was my turn. It was so much fun trying out all these delicious flavours!

Tom explained he was a "foodie," and when it comes to entertaining groups of people, this was his go-to meal since it was so easy and offered a little something for everyone. Suffice it to say, the majority of morsels on the board were consumed and truly satiated our hunger.

Our conversations during the meal mainly focused on this platter, but as we learned more about the different foods that had been presented to us, Thor was inspired and regaled us with some stories about the feasts they would have on Asgard for special celebrations. He then stopped for a moment, a thoughtful expression crossing his face.

"Volstagg would have enjoyed such delicacies," Thor said, his voice sad. He looked at Lowenstien, "like you, he would have been considered an Asgardian 'foodie.'"

"If I may ask, who is Volstagg?"

"Volstagg was my friend, a great warrior..." Thor said, his voice full of regret, "he perished while protecting Asgard."

"He never trusted me," Loki spoke up, "however, he was quite the warrior... I'll never forget when we all went to Jotunheim and..." he stopped suddenly in mid-thought, his face expressing a memory that clearly vexed him.

"Brother?" Thor asked in a concerned tone, looking at him carefully.

In support, I put my hand on Loki's arm, also feeling concerned along with being curious... However, I knew better than to ask at this moment.

Loki responded to my contact and put his other hand atop mine. A bittersweet smile appeared on his face.

"Sorry..." Loki said, taking a deep breath, before quietly adding, "Thor is right, Volstagg never shied away from a good banquet and he spun some incredible tales of adventure."

"Yes!" Thor said with some zeal, "his stories... What I wouldn't do to hear one now."

"Why don't you tell us one," Loki said to Thor, "he certainly told us quite a few, I'm sure at least one remains in your memory?"

"Would you all be interested in hearing a Volstagg tale?" Thor asked, looking around the table.

"Yes, please," said Tom, "I love hearing a good story, especially after dinner."

"I concur with Tom," I said, "bring on the entertainment!"

Thor smiled and began to tell a story about an epic battle in which he and friends, Lady Sif and the Warriors Three - Volstagg, Fandral and Hogun - were involved.

While this was going on, I carefully observed Loki. I could see he was listening to Thor's story, but I noticed he was occasionally looking down and absently touching his wrist, but it wasn't the wrist with the tracker. I decided to just let him be, for now.

Thor's story was in fact, rather entertaining. He made the experience interactive, asking us which direction we would go, what we would do, and letting us know when to let out a cheer! It was almost a cross between a 'choose your own adventure' book and a live version of playing Dungeons and Dragons - without all the expensive paraphernalia. In addition, it made me happy seeing Loki participating with the rest of us.

"You fool," Loki said, his voice full of amusement, laughing - along with clutching his side - as he spoke, "you should have taken the stairs to the left!"

The patrons of the cafeteria continued to stare at us. At first, I thought we were being a bit too loud, but since no one was actually complaining, I felt it was more from jealousy that they weren't able to partake in our fun and could only be spectators.

When Thor finished his story, in tribute to Volstagg, we all made a toast with our red Solo cups of ginger ale.

I noticed as Loki put down his cup, a blank look appeared on his face. It lasted only a second or two, then changed to a pensive one. He turned to me and whispered, "Coulson is coming."

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