1) 'Unexpected' Trouble

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Slytherin Common Room

(Soft Knocking)

Narcissia- It wasn't entirely unusual someone was knocking on the portrait. (Sighs) Opening it, I'm faced with a very flustered redhead. "Come on in."  Stepping aside, she rushes in and I shut the portrait behind her.

Lysander- All of us were doing one thing or another and look up at the brave Lioness.

Melissa- We could all see the Gryffindor was pissed off.

Lily- I walk over and topple right into Severus' arms. (Cries)

Severus- I set my potions book aside, immediately wrapping my arms around the girl. "What happened this time?"

Lily- (Sniffles) "They...they..."

Lucious- "They who darling?" We were all very fond of Lily because of Severus.

Tom- Getting up from my chair, I sit beside Severus and gently run my fingers through the girls hair.

Lily- I shamefully look down. "James and Sirius. Remus and I tried to stop them, but they pulled a prank and blamed Jack."

Tom- Anger doesn't even cover what I was feeling, honestly I was beyond furious. "What do you mean those two low-lives blamed my brother for their inherit stupidity?"

Lily- (Flinches) I've seen Tom mad, but was never on the receiving end of his anger.

Severus- I hug the startled Gryffindor.

Lucious- Getting up, I walk over and rest my hand on Tom's shoulder. "She didn't do it, she tried to stop it."

Tom- Taking a deep breath, I slowly let it out. "Where is he now?"

Lily- (Softly) "Headmasters office."

Tom- "Fuck." I quickly get up and walk out the portrait.

Lucious- I follow after him. "TOM!"

Lily- "I'm so sorry...Remus and I really did try to stop them."

Severus- I gently rub her back.

Bellatrix- "We know Lily, we know." (Sighs)

Headmasters Office

Tupet- I look from the two troublesome Gryffindor's too the scared Slytherin.

Albus- I watch the unfolding scene gleefully. Getting rid of at least one of the Riddle Twins would make my plans go a lot smoother.

Tupet- I lean with my hands folded on my desk. "Now tell me one more time, the dynamics of this prank and who it was for?" (Smirks)

James- (Smirks Smugly) I lay out how the prank was supposed to work. "It was originally for Severus, but getting Professor Slug Horn is a bigger win in my book."

Sirius- My eyes widen in shock. (Hisses) "JAMES!"

James- "What?"

Tupet- "Ah, so you two where the true culprits and not this poor Slytherin that was originally blamed."

Albus- "Now, Headmaster..."

Tupet- Having enough of Albus and his attempted manipulations. "OUT OF MY OFFICE, ALBUS DUMBLEDORE!"

Albus- (Huffs) I leave and the door slams shut, warding behind me.

Tom- I was waiting outside the door, when Albus gets kicked out. "Professor."

Albus- I look at the teen in surprise. "Tom, what are you doing here?"

Tom- (Growls) "Waiting for my brother."

Albus- I back away from the irate Slytherin, going to my office.

Tupet- I glare at the two Gryffindors. "Both of you have one months suspension of flying, meaning absolutely no Quititch."

James and Sirius- "NO!"

Tupet- I ignore their cries. "You also have two months detention, with me. Now out you go."

James- I glare at the Slytherin as Sirius pulls me out.

Sirius- "Should have just listened to Lily." We leave the office as the door sealed behind us.

Tupet- Once they leave I turn my attention to the Riddle Twin. "You have some of the highest scores this school has ever seen. May I see your wand?"

Jack- I hand him my wand without question. "Am I in trouble sir?"

Tupet- I take the boys wand. "No, quiet the opposite actually." I cast the incantation as his wand turns a multitude of colors. (Smiles Brightly) "Congratulations, you are now no longer a student. You've just graduated early."

Jack- Taking back my wand, I look at the man in shock.

Tupet- "You may spend tonight's feast with your brother, then leave school grounds before classes tomorrow."

Jack- (Nods) "Yes, thank you sir."

Tupet- I unseal the door. "You may go."

Jack- (Waves) I quickly leave...once out the door, I stumble into my twins arms. "Tom."

Tom- Refusing to let my brother go, I literally carry him back to our common room.

Slytherin Common Room

Luxe's- We all look up when Tom and Lucious walk in with Jack.

Narcissia- Tom sits down with Jack on his lap.

Kadence- We all gather around our leader.

Bellatrix- "What happened?"

Jack- I look from our friends to my brother. "I'm no longer a student. No I have not been expelled, but he graduated me early."

Tom- I was scared at first, but once he finished and it all sank in. "You're finished, he graduated you early. Oh Albus is going to have a shit fit."

Jack- "How come that man never liked us?"

Tom- I think about that for a moment. "I don't think we will ever know, but you should go to the Muggle Realm."

Jack- (Smirks Sinisterly) "Well we are twins, you cause mayhem here and I cause mayhem there."

Tom- (Smirks) "Damn right, just don't get killed."

Jack- "Immortality brother, it's a gift."

Tom- (Chuckles) "That it is."

3rd Person P.O.V- The close tight-nit group of Slytherins and two Gryffindors have a private dinner in Slytherin Commons spending time together before setting Fates plans into play, the next day.

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