11) Goblet Of Fire Prt. 1

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One Year Later

Daphne- (Mutters) "Can you believe we are already back here, I swear summer didn't last very long." I run my dainty hand along my sun-kissed skin in a longing way.

Luna- (Hums) We all knew that Daph and her family went to Costa Rica this summer. "Time flies when you are having fun."

Pansy- (Giggles) "Isn't that the truth, what did you do this summer Luna? Daddy took me to Paris."

Luna- (Smiles Brightly) "My dad took me to America, we were searching for an obscures!"

Daphne- "That actually sounds fun!"

Luna- (Giggles) "It is."

Blaze- Nudging Neville. "Hey, Nev, what did you do this summer?"

Neville- "I got to work on my garden some more, then I went to Knock Turn and got some darker books to work on the darker side of Herbology and created some elixirs that could come in handy in the future."

Blaze- (Smirks) "Wicked cool. I got to go to Transylvania, how bout you Theo?"

Theadore- "My summer was boring actually, I helped dad in the shop and I made plans of opening my own cafe in Diagon Alley."

Blaze- (Nods)

Neville- "That's really not a bad idea, let me know if you want to use any of my elixirs."

Theadore- (Laughs) "Will do."

Draco- I notice the curious looks from our group. "Dax and I bonded over the summer." Taking his hand beneath the table, I play with simple diamond ring in his finger while watching the sorting rather disinterested.

Draxous- (Hums) After the sorting, I get my groups attention and they all quiet down.

Albus- (Smirks) "Welcome to another year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. This year our school will be playing host to the Tri-Wizard Tournament and will be housing our sister and brother schools. So give a very warm welcome to the lovely ladies from Bauxtons, France and the gentlemen from Durmstrang, Scandinavia." The Bauxtons girls join the RavenClaws and the Durmstrang boys join the Slytherins. "Now before we get to the feast..." I gesture to an ornate box and with a flick of my wand it melts away producing an ornate goblet. "This is the Goblet of Fire, students seventeen and older have two weeks to put their names in the cup." Taking my seat, the feast appears. (Smirks Sinisterly) Harry has to be here, the book states he is still alive so he must have come to school under an alias and I know exactly how I'm gonna get him to show himself!

Two Weeks Later

Pansy- "Why are we going?"

Daphne- "This has nothing to do with us."

Luna- "Actually it has everything to do with our Princess."

Blaze, Theadore and Neville- "What?"

Luna- (Rolls Eyes) "You'll see, come on."

Draco- We all file in and sit with the Slytherins.

Draxous- Watching everything rather disinterestedly. "I don't want to be here."

Luna- "Trust me, it'll be worth it Dax."

Draxous- (Huffs) "Fine."

Ten Minutes Later

Albus- After a semi short speech, the goblet sparks blue as the first piece of parchment flies out. "The first champion, from our brother school is Viktor Krum!" The boy finally makes his way up front and I direct him into the side room, when the goblet sparks blue again. "The second champion, from our sister school is Flur Delcore." She immediately comes up front and I direct her to the side room as the goblet sparks blue. "The third champion from Hogwarts is Cedric Diggory." He comes up front and I direct him into the side room as the goblet sparks red. "Our last champion is Harry Potter..." I kinda eagerly glance around, waiting for the boy to make himself known.

Crouch- Stepping forward, I grab the paper off Albus. "Is this a joke Albus? The flames were red!"

Albus- Glaring at the Minister. "He's here, I know it..."

Crouch- Shaking my head at the headmaster. "I don't care what your silly school book says, there is no record of a Harry James Potter anywhere! Meaning this name is nothing and isn't binding. For Merlin's sake if he didn't arrive the first day fourteen years ago, he's not going to suddenly appear out of thin air today Albus. You've told lies and had our world put hope in a Dead Boy!"

Albus- (Mutters) "Minister can we talk about this in my office please?"

Crouch- (Sneers) "No, I think the students need to hear this, because you keep sugar coating what's really happening in the real world. I'm done playing your games Albus Dumbledore." I go into the side room, leaving the headmaster to contemplate his fate.

Albus- Turning to face the students. "Go back to your dorms." I completely ignore their looks of utter disgust and even pure hatred. (Sighs Heavily) "I know the boy is alive, I need to find him!"

Slytherin Dorms

Draxous- "Alright Luna, you were right watching that was totally worth it!"

Luna- (Laughs) "Told you."

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