3) Draxus Julian Gaunt

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Ten Years Later/Jokers Hideout

3rd Person P.O.V- Now that innocent mere toddler grew into a very dangerous eleven year old. Draxous was playing with the sharpest of knives since the age of one, could hit a moving target perfectly by the time he was six. Could handle any fire arm by the age of nine and had spot-on aim. Could not only strategize by the time he was four, but get himself out of any sticky situation by the time he was five. He knows how to fight, manipulate, steal, gamble and think ahead twenty-steps or even see the 'Bigger' picture. This kid is practically gifted with edict memory with everything he either remember's or knows.

Jai- We all look up when the door opens, the young eleven year old waltzing in.

William- I lean in the doorway, between the kitchen and living room. "Where have you been?"

Draxous- After putting my weapons away, I walk over to the dining room table and toss all the cash on it. "Practice."

Tatsu- We look at the kid in amusement.

Rick- I carefully, count all the cash. (Chuckles) "Six grand...were you out gambling again?"

Draxous- "Not my fault, that dumbass can't stay out of my fathers club."

Jack- I count up my son's loot. (Smirks Smugly) "That is my boy."

Harleen- I give the boy a hug. "Well done."

Bruce- I walk in. "You are corrupting an innocent mind!"

Draxous- (Smiles Brightly) "UNCLE BATZY!" Running over, I jump into the mans arms.

Bruce- I pick up the young child and sit him on my hip.

Jack- (Rolls Eyes)

Adam- I notice an owl outside the window and let it in. "Hey Jack, there is an owl..."

Jack- I notice the owl as it flies over and lands in front of Dax. "It's a Gringotts owl."

Harleen- (Pouts) "He can't..."

Jack- I rub my wife's back soothingly. "He's eleven Harley, he needs to go."

Harleen- (Whines) "I know, but I still don't like it!" I go to our room, slamming the door shut.

Draxous- We watch as mom has one of her tantrums. "What was that about?"

Jack- (Sighs Heavily) "You..." I gesture to the owl. "You might want to take the letter and read it."

Bruce- I set him down on his feet. (Smiles Encouragingly)

Draxous- I take the letter and give the owl a treat. Opening the envelope, I read the letter's contents aloud;

'Dear Draxous Julian Gaunt,

You are hereby accepted into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, attached is your list of school supplies and your school wardrobe as well as your train ticket. Owl back your reply no later than August 3rd, we hope to see you September 1st.

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