9) Guardians Of Azkaban Prt. 2

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One Week Later

Draxous- Storming into the room of requirement, which is our HQ. "I can't believe he had the balls to insinuate such an absurd thing and in front of a hallway of students!" (Shrieks)

Luna- We all glanced up from whatever we were doing to see Dax pacing about in a huff.

Neville- (Winces) When Dax got like this it never did bode well for the one whom caused it.

Draco- Getting up, I go over and wrap my arms around the petite boys waist as I bite his neck. "Princess, who riled your fur?"

Draxous- I melt in Draco's arms, resting my head against his chest. "Ronald Weaselly."

Daphne- (Sneers) "What did that lowlife do now?"

Draxous- "Not only did he insist that I was sleeping with his older brothers fiancé. Which such rumors would cause a rift between mine and Bills friendship, initially ending mine and Flurs. He spread a rumor about me killing his sister and instead of asking me personally about my side of the story Charlie punched me on my last trip to Hogsmead, which happened to be yesterday. Percy who actually respected me, now could care less. He's not entirely enthused with Rons spiteful behavior, but he doesn't want anything to do with me either. Then the dickhead had the balls to bring up my fathers and Aunt Lily's death, saying that if I was never born then they'd still be alive and their blood is on my hands."

Luna- (Frowns) "How is it a mere baby's fault for a guardians death? Born or unborn, they would have protected you with their lives."

Theadore- (Snarls) "That Hufflepuff is dead." No one messes with our Princess and gets away with it.

Two Months Later

3rd Person P.O.V- In two months time, Ronald Bilious Weaselly's life became utter Hell. He lost all his friends, he lost his siblings respect and the teachers were far from thrilled with the fact he was caught bullying another student. Also in two months time Padfoot (A.K.A Sirius) put his plan into action of getting the traitor that ruined his life.

Pansy- Looking around the dingy shack in disgust. "No wonder why the towns people believe this place to be haunted."

Draxous-  (Hums Agreeingly)

Ron- Sitting in the corner on a cot. "Aren't you two gonna help me?" I gesture down to my bitten and torn up leg.

Pansy- Looking the Hufflepuff up and down. (Snorts)

Draxous- (Raises Eyebrow) "Now why would we do that? Actually we might just help you, if you give me that rat."

Ron- Holding my pet rather close. "Why do you want Scabbers?"

Pansy- "That's no ordinary rat you idiot, it's an Animagi."

Ron- Glancing down at my pet. "Oh..." Suddenly the floor creaks and I glance up. (Shrieks) "Oh Merlin, it's him, it's Sirius Black!" Pointing at the male Slytherin. "Take him, it's him you want!"

Draxous- (Laughs) "Hi mommy!"

Sirius- (Smiles Fondly) "Hey kiddo, Severus said something about you being different and a Slytherin."

Draxous- (Scoffs) "There something wrong with being a Slytherin?"

Sirius- Shaking my head. "Definitely not." Turning my attention back to the startled red head. "I don't want you child, I want that rat you're keeping as a pet."

Ron- I hold out the squealing rat. (Stutters) "Take him."

Sirius- (Mutters) "That was easy..." Taking the rat, I throw him.

Remus- Stepping out of the doorway, with a flick of my wand I cast the Animagi reversal spell.

Peter- Kneeling before my two friends. "Sirius...Remus, my dear friends."

Remus- (Rolls Eyes) With another flick of my wand, I cast a body bind. "He's not worth going to Azkaban over Siri, not when you just got out."

Sirius- (Huffs Indigently) "I know." Giving my wolf a kiss.

Remus- Pulling away, I glance at the stunned students. "You have a child, you might want to explain things too."

Sirius- Shaking my head. "I gave my child up for adoption and to have a much better life. Though you have three students to explain things too."

Draxous- (Rolls Eyes) "Alright we get it. You're mates, you got the bad guy, you're gonna go clear your name and at the end of the day do the forbidden dance of desire." Pointing in the direction of the door. "While that all happens, Pan and I are gonna get this stunned idiot to the hospital wing and we have classes, bye!"

Pansy- Helping Dax drag the protesting red head from the shrieking shack. (Waves) "BYE!"

Sirius- Rem and I watch the kids leave. "Apparently, I missed something."

Remus- (Hums) "A lot of something." Taking Sirius by the hand, we apparate Peter to the Ministry. "Perhaps if you ask Tom nicely, he'll actually tell you who your son really is."

Sirius- (Smiles) "That would be nice, especially after just meeting him."

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