15) Order Of Flaming Flamingo's

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Gaunt Manor

Draco- Dax has been getting sick at at odd times and the only food he's been eating is fruit, it's starting to worry me.


Draxous- I stare down at the plastic stick in shock. "What am I gonna tell him Luna?"

Luna- (Smiles Fondly) "The truth."

Draxous- Setting the plastic stick on the counter, I play with the simple diamond ring on my finger.

Luna- "You are his bonded Dax, there is nothing that will make him prouder than learning he will be a father!"

Draxous- (Mumbles) "I know, I just don't like his protective streak as it is and as a Veela if he knows I'm with child it'll only be worse."

Luna- (Hums) "With good reason."

Draxous- "Merlin, I dislike when you're right!" Grabbing the plastic stick, I sulk off to find my mate.


Tom- Glancing up when the door opens. (Raises Eyebrow)

Draco- Setting my book aside. "Princess?"

Draxous- "Dragon, I uh have some exciting news."

Draco- (Hums) Pulling the petite boy into my lap. "Do tell..."

Lucious- I happen to walk into the library with Narcissia and seeing a look from Tom, we stop short and listen.

Draxous- I hold up the test in front of Draco. "Congratulations Daddy!" (Bites Bottom Lip Nervously)

Draco- Glancing from the plastic device to my beloved in shock. I get up and spin him around. "Ah Mi, Amore that is joyous news!" Setting him down gently as I press my fingers to his tiny belly, I smother him in kisses.

Draxous- (Whines) Attempting and failing to push Draco away. "Dragon!"

Narcissia- (Squeals Delightedly) "I'm gonna be a grandma!"

Lucious- (Smiles Proudly)

Tom- (Smiles Fondly) Leaving the couple to celebrate, I go off to write a letter relaying the news to Joker and Harley.

Five Months Later

Draco- I storm through the meeting hall doors. "Those flaming flamingo's took my pregnant mate!"

Tom- I wasn't the least bit enthused my meeting was interrupted, but what Draco said pissed me off. "Explain from the beginning."

Draco- Taking a deep breath as I slowly let it out. "Dax was visiting Madam Poppy for a checkup because he was having some pains. I find her knocked unconscious and Dax gone a red tail feather of Faux's left on his bed as well as his broken bracelet." I hold up the broken Japanese engraved bracelet. "If he is with Dumbledore and unglamorous it could be very bad."

Narcissia- "Faux would only leave a clue like that if he was forced into something. A Phoenix is a creature of purity and would never harm a pregnant submissive."

Tom- Rubbing my temple. "This is very bad. We have multiple people on the inside, but none of them are helpful currently. We need to take this to the Minister." Without a second thought, that is what we do.

Number 12 Grimmwauld Place

Molly- (Shrieks) "Have you lost your damn mind Albus, you stole a pregnant Kitsune from Hogwarts infirmary!"

Percy- "Not just any pregnant Kitsune Draco Malfoy's bonded!"

Alister- "You truly have lost you mind Albus Dumbledore. You never take a bonded submissive from their mate, especially a pregnant submissive. It's suicide!"

Albus- (Scuffs) "It's for the Greater Good."


Sirius- There is a firm knocking at the door and I go to answer it. "Hello?"

Crouch- "Yes, hello Sirius. I don't mean to bother you but some serious accusations have come to my attention. You wouldn't happen to have a pregnant submissive kitsune here would you?"

Sirius- "Actually yes I do. You see it's a long story, but the short version is that Albus kidnapped him from Hogwarts hospital wing. The poor thing is in my bedroom, I put him in there and warded the door. Draco be a dear and follow me." I lead the young Veela upstairs.

Crouch- I had hoped Albus would heed my warning, but he obviously didn't. "Take him to Azkaban."

Albus- Struggling in the hold of the magic dampening cuffs. "This is a mistake, I took the creature for the greater good. He can be set on the right path yet!"

Crouch- Shaking my head. "Albus the only one on the wrong path here, seems to be you and anyone stupid enough to follow you." He gets dragged out and I solemnly follow.

Sirius- (Shrieks) "REMUS GET UP HERE!"

Remus- Rushing upstairs to mine and Siri's room. "What?"

Sirius- Once Remus enters the room, I shut and ward the door. "Dax is in labor!"

Remus- Shoving the young Veela at Sirius. "Keep hold of him." Going over I climb unto the bed and take out my wand. "Alright, Draxous I need you to take deep and calm breaths." After casting a numbing spell, I use the cutting curse as I cut shallowly into his abdomen and reach in pulling out the baby. (Coos) Six more spells later, I place the baby into Draxous's waiting arms.

Sirius- (Smiles Fondly) "What's her name kiddo?" Once Rem is done playing doctor, I let Draco go.

Draco- I fly unto the bed and cuddle around my bonded and our daughter. (Coos)

Draxous- (Smiles) "Her name is Delirium Quinn Malfoy."

Remus- "Beautiful."

Sirius- (Hums) "Agreed." Unwarding the door, Rem and I go downstairs to fix the mess Dumbledore created.

Draco- Keeping my arms tightly around my bonded. "Let's take you and the baby home."

Draxous- (Nods) "I'd like that."

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