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reference from one of their interviews :D
Youngjae had the most common crush who is Im Jaebum. Jaebum was the basketball's team captain.

They had a match today and who said Youngjae isn't coming.

"GO IM JAEBUM!" He yelled receiving a genuine smile from Jaebum, himself.

His heart pounded when Jaebum easiky responded to his yell. It felt like, he was blessed. But, he knew he doesn't have any chance at all.

Since, Jaebum is straight.

But, that's what he thought.
Youngjae ran closer to Jaebum after their match easily congratulating him since, they did win the match.

Mark-"Hey Youngjae." Mark suddenly clings his shoulder to Youngjae giving a weird feeling to Jaebum.

Mark and Jaebum were not the closest among the rest since, Mark was a bit pissed of Jaebum who easily stole his 'basketball captain' title from him.

"Oh hey hyung." He smiled

Mark-"So, I was asking could go out sometime?" He asked Youngjae obviously wanting to make Jaebum pissed.

Jaebum-"He can't, Sorry bud, He's reserved." Jaebum smirked and grabbed Youngjae and started dragging him away from Mark.

Youngjae felt flustered by what Jaebum responded for him to Mark but, Youngjae chose to shrug what just happened a while ago.

"I ugh.. Brought you strawberry milk." Youngjae rubs the back of his neck still holding the milk at his other hand trying to lend it to Jaebum who is staring at him.

Jaebum-"I don't like strawberry milk, don't you know what I want?" He asks slightly with the most intimidating voice  Youngjae has ever heard and honestly, it turned him on

"Oh, ugh, Banana milk?" He asks with an awkward smile plastered all over his face.

Jaebum-"Pfft, No. I want.." Jaebum places his index finger on Youngjae's lips and continued

Jaebum-"You." Jaebum smirks and drags Youngjae to the men's bathroom and locked it so, they were only one in the bathroom.

"Wait, ugh, what?" Youngjae blinks for a few times and blushes.

Jaebum-"Don't act like you don't like me." Jaebum pins him on the wall and started to kiss Youngjae roughly by the neck making his way to Youngjae's lips.

Jaebum-"You going out with Mark was a horrible idea, babe." He bites Youngjae's lips earning a soft moan.

"W-Wait, y-you like me?" Youngjae brakes the kiss and only a smirk was plastered on Jaebum's face.

Jaebum-"Nah, I probably love you." He winks earning a slight smack from Youngjae.

Jaebum rips Youngjae's pants that were slightly thin and his shirt that was obviously drenched from sweat.

"Aw~ that was my favorite shirt.." Youngjae pouts earning a peck from from Jaebum.

Jaebum-"I'll just buy you another one, okay?" He reassures Youngjae that was covering up his bulge.

"You better.." He glares but, immediately Youngjae changed their positions so, now, Youngjae was sucking Jaebum's cock that flung out from his underwear obviously, horny

Jaebum lets out soft moans that were music to Youngjae's eyes.

Jaebum then, slammed Youngjae to the locker in the bathroom -where the varsity keeps their stuff.

Jaebum-"May I?" He asks Youngjae that replied with a thumbs up.

Then, he slowly enters his private into Youngjae's hole that made Youngjae let out a loud moan.

"A-Aghh~" he moans when he reached his climax and so, Jaebum cummed out of Youngjae and they took a shower together and Youngjae decided to wear Jaebum's basketball clothes since, that defsoul ripped all of his clothes.

The both were just walking back to their dorms that were coincidently beside each other, an advantage to them when a notification buzzed on Youngjae's phone that was easily heard by Jaebum.

Jaebum-"Block him." He demands

"Ya, he's still older than me, if I block him.. That'd be rude." Youngjae explains

Jaebum-"Hmph." Jaebum scoffs

From: Mark Tuan

hey youngjae-ssi, if your bored or something, I'm available for this week 😉

"He said he's free for the whole week." Jaebum ignored him.

"But, I'd rather spent time with you.." Youngjae blushes and finally, catches Jaebum's attention. Jaebum smiles and so did Youngjae.

Jaebum-"Pfft, yeah right." Jaebum receives a slight giggle from Youngjae and they just cuddled when they reached Youngjae's dorm.
so, i decided that i might not restore all the fluffs and smuts before and make nEW ONES :)
Whatcha think¿

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