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without you chinese ver. Fucced me up
haneul's pov
I was by myself at the library, trying my best to forget what just happened and what I just heard a while ago by reading a book. My eyes were puffy from crying, I should be stronger. I shouldn't be affected by him, he doesn't deserve me.. He doesn't deserve me..

I failed to distract myself so, I stood up and started to leave the library. Reading a book didn't help me as much so, I guess, walking around would help? I don't even know at this point, I was at the verge of wanting to just collapse.

I left the library until, I bumped into someone.

Kun-"I finally found you." It was him, I locked eyes with him and regretted it the second after, He knew I heard the news a while ago and he knew I didn't like it. I mean, who would?

If you heard that your boyfriend made you fall for them at the first place was just because of a stupid bet. I mean, that hurts. I didn't expect him to lie to me, I trusted him more than anyone yet, he lost my trust.

"Leave me alone." I replied sternly and tried to leave him but, he won't let me. He had a grip on my arm and he was obviously stronger than me. I should have went to the gym more often

Kun-"Haneul..please, let me explain.." He whispers with a soft voice. I hated this, I hated this so much.. He knew that his voice was my only weakness. That soft voice of his is my biggest weakness and no matter how hard I try to force myself not to fall for it, I still will.

We arrived at somewhere peaceful, which is the park. Then, I gave him limited time to talk. I might regret this later on but, I should try at least?

"So, when are you planning to tell me that this is all a stupid bet of yours?" I asked with a straight face, he seem shocked but, his face fell at the same time.

Kun-"Haneul, I'm sorry.. But, believe me I did really like you-" I cut him off

"Believe you? You must be dreaming if your thinking I would believe you AGAIN after, what? Suddenly hearing that all of this was all a bet?" I hissed.

Kun-"I really did like you Haneul! Don't believe anything what I say but, this. I really did Like you! I stopped the bet because.. I.." He started to stutter the last part.

"You what?"

Kun-"Because I fell for you.." He whispered

"Still! It can't change the fact that our relationship started with a bet!" I scoffed. My eyes started watering again and he still stared at me. I wiped my tears and inhaled a deep breath.

He was silent and the atmosphere was still tensed until, he walked towards me slowly then cupped my cheeks and the next thing I know, our lips met. I didn't know how to react, the kiss was passionate yet, it still hurts that he lost my trust.

Kun-"Let me prove it to you how much I love you."
last line was so cheesYYYyyyYy im sorry :D

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