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Haechan-"Hey babe." Haechan tapped Mark's shoulders, getting his boyfriend's attention easily. Haechan had a confused and worried look while, Mark didn't know what was coming up.


Haechan-"I know this might be just too over reacting but, is it weird that Jaemin is alone and Jeno is hanging out with Renjun more often today?" Haechan spoke very fast, Mark was used to it though.

Mark-"You have a point, Jaemin looks really pissed." Mark added, then the both hyungs of the dreamies observed the nomin couple who seemed very off today.

Haechan-"Hey Chensung." Haechan called, They called Chensung over to ask what was going on with NOMIN.

Chenle-"JISUNG PWARK!" Chenle called his partner, Jisung. And so there was a gathering between Markhyuck and Chensung, investigating about Nomin. Wow, c'mon name me a better gay korean boy group, I'll wait.

Mark-"Whats wrong with Jae and Jen?" Mark asked the younger ones who seemed confused as well about the others.

Jisung-"We don't know hyung, but Chenle overheard a conversation between the, a while ago while he was inside of the cubicle." Jisung chuckled

Chenle-"Aish, Jisung.. Anyways, Jaemin hyung seemed really angry and confused too why Jeno was so close with Renjun hyung all of a sudden then, Jeno hyung said he wants some space and thats what I heard, Jaemin hyung left and Jeno hyung did too.." Chenle explained

Haechan-"Its more complicated than what I thought.." Haechan cursed under his breath.

jaemin's pov
I was sitting on this couch when I just stood up and grabbed some water then I comeback to see RenJun cuddling with my boyfriend, I don't know why but I want to murder him, in the nicest way possible.

Renjun is my BESTFRIEND, how could he do this to me?!

Jeno-"Renjun stop.. I have a boyfriend..." I heard Jeno tries to take Renjun's hands off of him, haha good for Renjun, my boyfriend doesnt like his cuddles bahaha!

Renjun-"Well, his not here.." Renjun bit his lip, oh that hoe is going to get it later.. I'm going to bury him so deep that he burn on the earths core and hopefully be gone. -idek why jae is so violent

Jeno-"Fine, just one peck" I over heard, my eyes widened and I was fuming with all the fire and anger, but then before they're lips would meet, THE LIGHTS TURNED OFF.

"OH C'MON!!" I ruffled my hair still the most angry human being living on earth and I have a reason why.

Then, the lights turned on again but, the setting was different. Someone was suddenly singing a beautiful song. I noticed it was Jeno, singing Lay me down by sam smith. While, the other members holds up letters and when you connect them all together..

"Wait umm..." I tried to process

"'m........20....OH HOLY CRAP!!" I read and everyone started chuckling and giggling, while my heart started raising. I felt so happy but at the same time, I feel so comfused.

Renjun-"Dude, it was just a prank okay? The hyungs planned it." Renjun pointed at the 127 hyungs who had a sheepish smile, I returned the smile since, I could only focus to one person at this moment.

Jeno-"Babe, I know your still mad because, you know why.. I'm sorry but, promise I love you and your the only one I love and I'm not really good at these stuff... Hehe soooo, why wont you answer my question?" He giggled with his famous eyesmile.

"Of course I'll marry you but why did you ask now Jeno? You could have asked when we're at the age." I giggled

Jeno-"Well, I'm just clarifying everyone that your now mine and will forever will be." He eyesmiled, giving warm to my heart. I gave him a quick peck and hugged him tightly.

Doyoung-"CONGRAAAATS!" Doyoung hyung hugged us and so did the other hyungs.

Taeyong-"Stop that, you look like a father." Taeyong hyung blushed but, congratulated apus as well.

Doyoung-"Excuse me?"

Taeyong-"Oh sorry, I meant Mother." Taeyong hyung replied making us chuckle at how cute Taeyong hyung and Doyoung hyung are as a couple.

Jeno-"I love you, Jae.. I love you muchhh~" Jeno hugged me from the back

"I love you too, Jenooo.. But your getting reallyyyy cheeesy~" I cupped his cheeks. Every single one of us started doing lovey dovey with our partners at this point when suddenly..

We had one of the best night of our lives, we ate dinner with the hyungs and the others and we celebrated our first day of being engaged.

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