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sm just lost a great dedicated singer..
"Please, d-don't leave me.." Haneul cried, cried on her boyfriend's chest. Henry and Haneul were idols, and they were idols who were recruited by SM but, Henry decides to leave SM, which means, leaving Haneul on SM as well.

Henry on the other hand had a very hard time in deciding but, he had his decision and there was no turning back. He cupped girlfriend's cheeks and slowly kisses her on the lips.

They moved their heads in sync and while they were kissing, Henry could feel Haneul's tears to shed again. They broke the kiss and Henry starts to wipe his girlfriend's tears.

Henry-"I'm not leaving you..okay? We will still see each other and perform on stage.. just not with the same company.." Henry starts shedding tears while, choking those words out.

He hated seeing his girlfriend have a hard time just because of him. He loved her so much from the moon and back but, here he is.. seeing his girlfriend crying because of him.

Manager-"Sorry to break it, but, henry? The bus is here.. Time to go."  Henry's manager called him and he started to leave.

"I trust you."

ー3 years laterー

Staff-"Haneul?" The staff shrugged Haneul's shoulder that shrugged her off from her deep thoughts. It was her big concert, she waited for this day to come and she won't fail to make herself proud.

"Yes?" She weakly smiled

Staff-"Your on stage in 10 minutes." The staff replied, with that Haneul stood up and left her dressing room. While, she was already at backstage, she couldn't feel but feel nervous.

But, of course she had to shrug those feelings off. But, there was something bothering her thoughts, 3 years she waited..

3 years of waiting but, no one came. Then, she started rising which means she started to enter the stage itself while, she was rising. She could hear her fans screaming, squealing and waving their bombs at her.

She was going to perform a song called 'Never be the same' so once, she was at the center. The spotlight turned on and the song starts to play. With that, she starts to sing.

Its you babe and I'm a sucker for the way that you move, babe! and,
I could try to run but, it'll be useless.. Your to blame.
Just one hit, you knew I'll never be the same..

She was singing her heart out, the feelings that she hid for 3 years, she let it all out. While, she was singing. She locked eyes with someone in the crowd.

Someone that she promised to forget, Someone who she loved before, Someone who left her, it was all along, Henry.

The song ended with her shredding tears but, with a straight face. Suddenly, Henry raised his hand into a fist and gestured a somewhat 'hwaiting'. But, Handuel didn't know what to feel.

She had mixed feelings but, again her song ended and she immediately went backstage.

fan meeting

After the concert, she also held a fanmeeting for her fans. She knew it would be a tiring day but, she was proud of herself and was happy. But, still Henry couldn't get out off her mind. Bothering her a lot.

Fan-"Omg! Unnie~ You look so beautiful, thank you for working hard for us!" The first fan smiled and with that, Haneul smiled and responded with a thanks. She signed the album and the first fan left with a wide smile plastered all over her face.

Minutes and Hours have passed and she was around, half of the crowd. She was getting a lot of compliments and small tokens from the fans that of course, made her happy.

Until, a familiar 'fan' approached her. He was a guy and once they locked eyes, of course, she familiarized him, because the guy in front of her is no other than, Henry himself.

Henry-"Hi, Haneul its been so long.." Henry tried to smile but, couldn't hide the guilt he was feeling. He was hiding and training for 3 years straight so, he couldn't answer all of Haneul's messages and calls making their relationship very complicated and conflicted.

Haneul on the other hand was lost for words, She had her head hung low and didn't know what to respond. She was waiting for the day Henry would finally show himself again to her but, in this situation she couldn't find the correct words.

Henry-"Before, I leave.. I just want you to know.." He gulped finally getting Haneul's attention, they locked eyes and Haneul was startled enough to see Henry shedding tears

Henry-"I'm so proud of you and I'm sorry... But, Haneul.. I still love you.." He smiled genuinely but still Haneul couldn't find the right words. The words were like at the back of her tongue.

Then, Henry stood up kind of disappointed that he couldn't hear Haneul's voice one more time, he started to leave when Haneul called him

"I just want you to know as well...that I still love you and is willing to wait for you again..." She gulped for each word. Henry finally smiled earning a smile from Haneul as well.

Henry-"Y-You're willing to wait? Even if it takes another 3 years?" He asked

"I trust you so, trust me." With that small response, they bid their goodbyes and Henry started to leave once again but, Haneul was sure for once, that Henry never broke her trust

Which was a relief.
i still cant believe henry is leaving sm :((

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