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yehet! -imsorryifitriggeredanyexol
He started to strip off his clothes, slowly kissing and leaving hickeys in Baekhyun's neck. Sehun loved teasing Baekhyun but, what he loved even more than teasing him.. Biting him.

Long ago, Baekhyun actually bit his butt so, that started their weird habit of biting each other.

Baekhyun-"Ahh~" Baekhyun accidentally released a small moan that made Sehun more in to their passionate session. He slowly strips off Baekhyun's boxers and started to suck on Baekhyun's horny cock that made a bulge a while ago.

"Beg for it." Sehun bit his lip and so, Baekhyun begged

Baekhyun-"Please eat me..~" Baekhyun bit his index finger while begging, he knew it made their game more heated up and hell Sehun dominated him. Instead of getting a nice blowjob, Sehun turned him around, slapped his butt and slowly inserted his desperate cock.

Baekhyun-"A-Ahh~" He almost screamed, he never felt so pleased before. Yet, Sehun gave him a sweet pleasure.  He was able to hit all of Baekhyun's sweet spots that he knew that it wouldn't make him walk properly after.

Baskhyun-"I-I'm gonna c-" Before Baekhyun could scream and gasp like a girl, Sehun deepened the thrust and som Baekhyun busted.

No protection, No Lube, No warning. Yes, Sehun was hella desperate and didn't use lube. Still, they fucked.

Baekhyun started to give Sehun a little blowjob. He made kitten licks but since, Sehun hated teasing when it comes to him,  He demanded Baekhyun to just suck it. Though, it made Baekhyun

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