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We broke into his apartment and he carried me and placed me on his apartment's kitchen countertop, recklessly leaving hickeys on my exposed collar bone and ripping our clothes off at the same time.

He roughly bit my lips and french kissed me on the spot.

"Ahh~" I softly moaned out when his bulge bumped my private and it met physical contact, I knew his cock needed my entrance.

"I want you, now~" I begged, knowing that he seemed turned on when I beg and he was, he smirked and ripped my lace panties off, not caring thats its Victoria's secret for fucks sake.

Seokmin-"This might sting a bit.." He warned. I nodded my head and didn't really care much, he threw me on the couch and carefully entered his cock inside of me. I can feel his erect hard cock twitch inside, making my insides tickled for a bit.

Seokmin-"You're going to regret what you just begged.." He had a sly smirk and he started to thrust at a moderate speed, he rubbed my nipples while he fucks at the same time while, I received so much pleasure.

"Mhhm~" I moaned, the feeling of his hard cock thrusting and twitching inside of me is a pleasurable feeling, my back was arched, since, hell Seokmin was fucking me hard.

Seokmin-"Y-Your so tight h-haneul~!" he moaned groaned, while, deeply thrusting inside of me. He planted a peck on my lips and broke it after.

"I-I'm c-cumming~!" I gasped, he suddenly rubbed my clit at a fast pace making me feel very sensitive and also suddenly giving me too much pleasure, I was beyond my climax and if I go overboard I'm literally going to explode.

Seokmin-"I told you, you'll regret.." He smirked and still didn't stop thrusting inside of me, goddamn, I got distracted of his 6 pack and honestly, its a whole meal.

"H-Ha-Hajimaaa!!" I tried to stop him but, hell, he really wanted me to suffer but, heck I didn't know what to feel anymore, I was numb. I was beyond my climax and was beyond my sensitivity level, My eyes were closed and I was gripping hard on the couch for support.

Finally, he took his cock out and I sat down started sucking it while, slowly swallowing his cum and savoring every single one of it. I started to make kitten licks to tease him, since Seokmin looks so adorable when he's being teased.

Seokmin-"Don't tease me~" he whines, looking like a five year old kid who got nuggets instead of fries and didn't like it. I genuinely giggled and started sucking it in its whole size.

We plopped down on the couch. I wore my underwear and an oversized shirt that's of course, his. I didn't wear my pants thought but, cycling shorts instead. While Seokmin on the other hand, wore his boxers but not his shirt.

Seokmin-"Here." He suddenly passed me a bottle of Soju and plopped down beside me while, hugging me and wrapping his arms around my waist.

Seokmin-"Prepare yourself for Round 2." He chuckled and received a playful slap on the cheek from me.

"Aigoo~ your so dirty.." I pouted and he responded by pecking me while, I cup his cheeks.

Seokmin-"I wuv youuuu~" He apdid aegyo, horrific.

"I wuv me tooo~" I smiled sheepishly and we end up chasing each other.

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