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enjoooy :)

I was at the cafeteria, sitting down with my bestfriend, Jisoo. She seems really happy today while I, feel the opposite of what she's feeling today.

Jisoo-"Ya! Haneul-ah, eat your food." She tries to tell me while there was chunks of food inside of her mouth.

"I don't feel like eating.." I placed down my spoon and sighed deeply.

Today really sucks.

Jisoo-"Oh c'mon.. is it because of—"

"Yes, I just can't with him. Why is he so oblivious? I already gave him a clue yet, he's still so oblivious!" I pouted and complained

Jisoo-"Speaking of oblivious.. There he is.." Jisoo whispers while she secretly points at the table across us which is him.

A beautiful creature, tall and handsome but, oblivious and cold.. My crush, Wonwoo.

He's just there. Sitting and eating quietly while his friends laugh and laugh like there's no tomorrow.

Jisoo-"Sorry bae, Namjoon's calling gotta go." Jisoo winked and by a blink of an eye, she left me alone.

I started to panic when Wonwoo and my eyes met. Heat started to rush through my cheeks and I couldn't help but blush.

Did he caught me staring at him?

I was about to leave when someone called my name.

"Haneul!" I cursed underneath my breath and slowly turned around, it was him.

He called me.

"Y—Yeah?" I smiled sheepishly. He never called me before and today seems like a miracle.

Wonwoo-"Can we talk for a minute?" He then approaches me while he asked the question but his expression, was the usual expression he had.

"S—Sure." I gulped and then, we stormed off.


"So what do you want to talk about?" I asked trying my best to act normal in front of him.

Wonwoo-"About us.." he whispers

"Us?" My eyes widened and suddenly heat rushes through my cheeks again, I feel hot and red and its all because of his fault.

Wonwoo-"Haneul, I'm sorry." He avoided eye contact.

"Sorry for what?" I asked kind of confused why he was suddenly apologising.

Wonwoo-"I'm sorry because I'm like this. I couldn't express my feelings very well even if I know from the bottom of my heart that I have feelings for you.. I'm an introvert and—" I cut him off by giving him a hug

"Shhh~ don't be sorry." I broke the hug and suddenly his eyes were teary.

"Please don't cry? Dont be sorry because your you. I'm proud of you because even though your an introvert, you still could express your feelings properly right now." I replied

Wonwoo-"But, aren't you going to reject me?"

"Who said I will reject you?" I smiled. I can see a small smile form with his lips and with that, he stepped an inch closer towards me and pecked me.

Wonwoo-"Thank you." He smiles showing his eyesmile making my insides flutter.

"I love you too." I chuckled

Wow, this day escalated very quickly.

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