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Today was Jungkook's birthday, Bangtan celebrated in their mansion and was planning to take him out but, Manager-nim did not ket them since, fangirls would be swooning over them and that would make a terrible mess or a fuss.

So, they celebrated indoors instead.

Jin-"Happy Birthday to our sweetest Maknae!" Jin cheered while resting on Namjoon's chest.

They had to be honest, they were gay. Jin and Namjoon were in a relationship and so did Jhope and Suga. While on the other hand, Jimin was still single and Taehyung?

Well, Let's just say he has someone special in mind and heart.

"Thank you hyungs!" Jungkook smiles showing his signature bunny snarl. Not knowing, making Taehyung blush an obvious crimson red.

Jimin-"Ya! Taehyung us blushing!" Jimin yelled making them turn their attention to the young one who was obviously blushing.

Yoongi-"I'm tired, Happy birthday kookie." Yoongi gives an amusing smile and leaves the situation dragging Hobi with him.

Hoseok-"Happy birthday kookie~!" Hoseok squeals while being dragged by Yoongi to the bedroom, who knows what they'll be doing.

Taehyung-"I-I'm not blushing." Taehyung immediately denies.

Namjoon-"Taehyungaah, do you have someone you like in this household?" Namjoon asks making the conversation escalate quickly.

Jimin-"C'mon, Tae. Don't be shy and tell them its me." Jimin jokes receiving a glare from Taehyung.

Taehyung-"Whatever, I'm tired. Happy birthday kookie~!" he sang playfully and ran to his room avoiding Namjoon's question.
Jungkook enters Taehyung's room seeing Tae sulking and covering himself with a pillow and constantly rolling around.

Taehyung was startled when someone suddenly sits beside him and started to giggle.

"Is there something wrong?" Jungkook asks him making Taehyung very soft.

He had to be honest, he likes Jungkook. Everytime Jungkook speaks and acts cut it makes his heart flutter or sometimes pound. Its very unusual for him but, it just so happened.

Taehyung-"Just leave, Jungkook." Taehyung avoided Jungkook's glances.

"No~ Tell me." Jungkook acted cute since he knew the older one loves it when he acts cute.

Taehyung-"Fine. I like you Jungkook!" Taehyung sat back straight and finally locked his eyes with Jungkook's.

"W-What?" Jungkook couldn't believe what he heard. He never expected Taehyung to like me since, Jungkook was the one who had a crush on Tae for the longest time.

Taehyung-"I like you, is that wrong?" Tae blushed and was about to leave the room when, Jungkook suddenly pinned him on the wall.

"The feelings are mutual." That was the only thing ghat Jungkook had to say to make Taehyung crept up a small smirk to his lips.

Tae crashes his lips with Jungkook's, whilst, locking the door at the same time. They fought fir entrance and of course, Jungkook won at the end.

He dominated Taehyung's mouth, hovering in his throat.

They broke the kiss catching their breaths, Jungkook threw Taehyung in the bed and started to unbuckle his belt and started to take off all his clothing and so did Taehyung.

"Your driving me crazy, Kim Taehyung." Jungkook jumped on him and started to kiss him roughly, feeling all the heat.

Taehyung-"A-Ahhh~" Taehyung moans when Jungkook started doing kitten licks on Taehyung's private.

Jungkook loved teasing Taehyung but, Taehyung felt the opposite. Taehyung knew what he eanted and he wants Jungkook to be inside of him, now.

Taehyung-"Stop teasing me, Jungkook~" Taehyung whines and frowns.

"Sorry, that was just a preliminary round." He grinned and finally sucked Taehyung's cock, giving him a good blowjob.

Taehyung-"A-Ahhh~ I-I'm gonna-" taehyung stopped when Jungkook stopped sucking and making Taehyung frown again.

Taehyung-"You made me feel so empty~" Taehyung cried out earning a giggle from Jungkook.

"I can't have you cumming fast, kitty." Jungkook turns Tae around meeted the older ones entrance. He immediately grabbed the lube and placed some on his private and Tae's entrance.

"This might sting a bit." Jungkook warns but, suddenly enters his private inside of Taehyung.

Taehyung-"Ow~!" Taehyung groans.

"A-Ahh~" Jungkook moans filling the atmosphere with lust and romance.

Taehyung-"J-Jungkook, I-I'm gonna c-" Before Taehyung could finish his sented, he already busted.

Jungkook slowly takes his cock out of Taehyung's hole and lied down beside the older one. He cuddled with Taehyung making Taehyung blush into a crazy tomato mess.

Taehyung-"Hapoy birthday Kookie~!" Taehyung sings whilst playing with the younger ones hair.

"Thank you, this is the best gift ever." Jungkook slid a genuine smile and they dozed off to dreamland.
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