Chapter One

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Phillip's Pov 

10 years later 

The streets of New York had become cold and grey. All those in the working and lower class could even scramble enough money together to purchase a loaf of bread. General Edmund Watson, the head member of the police department, wandered the streets trying to locate any pick pockets or thieves who are trying to feed their families. 

I quickly wandered by the news stand, listening to all the conversations as I walked by. However, one whisper caught me by suprise as I quickly moved back and asked the pair to repeat themselves. 

"Have your heard? There is a rumour in New York?" A lady whispered to the man in front of the bakery stand, looking from side to side to ensure that no members of the police were around. "The Wheelers? The wealthy coloured people who were killed ten years ago?" She whispered as the man she was talking to nodded. "Although the father did not survie, the daughter my still be alive." 

I couldn't help my curisoity and interupted the conversation. "I'm sorry? The daughter is still alive?" I inquire, a plan formulating as I intepreted the information. 

"They believe that she was removed from the house, that the gun shot wound wasn't fatal." She explained, conttiually looking around before leaning in towards myself and the other man.  "Apprently, her brother, the one who went to Paris, will pay a royal sum to someone who can bring his sister ,Annalise, back." 

The brother? I think I remember reading something about him in the papers one time, he produces plays or something like that and recieved all the money from his family after the incident. 

I picked up a loaf of bread subtly, before leaving the man and woman to talk, after being informed to not repeat to anyone the information. I manged to get a far way up from the street, far away from General Wason, we'll just say that we have a couple of not so great meetings in the past. 

"Phillip!" A familar voice called out, running up to me. P.T Barnum, my partner in crime. "They have closed our place down by the docks" He tells me as I move into an ally way, so we can talk without gossping lips or peering eyes watching us. 

"Then it is a good thing we carry everything we need isn't it now?" I reply as i lean up against the wall and pull the corners of the warm bread off, tossing them into my mouth. P.T and I have always carried what we needed, wherever we stay usually the police find in about a month, so we keep moving and keep finding diffrent places to stay. 

"Have you heard the rumours about Annalise Wheeler? I ask as I wrapped the bread up in a rag, placing it into my satchel. 

"Oh, not you too Phillip! Count me out of whatever your planning." He exclaimed, carding a hand through his hand, pulling at it as he turned away. 

I pulled him around, so he was facing me. "One word. Paris." I say, knowing that will persuade him. 

"Paris? Count me in!" He exclamied as I informed him of the plan I made. We'll find a girl and teach her what to say. Dress her up and take her to Paris. Imagine the reward her brother would pay, I mean who else could pull it off but him and me? 

We picked up our stuff and begun to head to the markets in the warehouse further down the road, we needed something to show the brother to fool him into thinking we had found the real Annalise. 

"Keep your head down" I whispered to P.T as General Watson began to slowly walk over as we tried to, subtly, change our direction. He almost caught up to us before a car backfired, causing a girl to scream and fall to the ground. General Watson immediatly moved over to the girl as P.T and I hid behind an building intersection, another ally way which would lead us to the wearhouse. P.T continued to walk but I couldn't help but to watch the girl on the ground. Her hair was a dark chocolately brown and her skin was this carmel colour. She had dropped the crate of apples which she was holding, and was now picking them up and quickly placing them back into the crate.  The girl seemed pretty desperate not to assoicate with General Watson as she basically pushed him away the moment he got there, and in doing that - a small smile formed on my face as i sprinted up to catch up with P.T. 

Looking around to make sure no one was watching, we pushed aside the piece of hanging fabric which acted as a door into the markets.  I went store to store, looking for something that could belong to the girl, something that we could fool the guy into believing was hers. I stopped the moment I saw it, it was initialed with an A and had some sort of cut out in the top of it. 

"How much for that music box?" I asked the man of the store. The moment i showed intrest in it, you could see his eyes triple in size as he could now raise the price. 

"Ahhh, the music box. It is genuine products, found it in the Wheeler house hold after the incident. I coudl never part with it." He exxgaerated, though his answer did change quite quickly when i offered him two cans of beans, enough food to last an indivudal a week or more. 

P.T and I exited the warehouse not long after and I began to climb up the stairs to the roof of the building, P.T following me. We decided it was best to set up camp for the night on the top of the roof, hidden in plain sight. I layed back, resting my head on my satchel as well as my linked arms, looking up at the fading blue sky. 

"P.T, do you believe in fairytales?" 

I got a good laugh in response and a I used to. "Why so?"

"We are going to create a fairytale the whole world is going to believe." I announce as I went over everything we would need to make this whole plan plasuiable and hopefully, ensure that we won't get shot. 

I mean, it is risky alot more than usual. We will need papers,tickets and nerves of steel. We will try to catch a ship out of her with our girl and our plot, hopefully diaster won't ensure. And with luck it will all go smoothly and it will give New York something more to talk about. It will be the biggest con in history! 

But first, thing first. We need to find an Annalise. 


YAY! It is finally up, i will be alternating between this book and "One heart" (and eventually it's sequel). I really hope you guys like it. 

Hope you guys have a fantastic day/night. 

Love, Maya

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