Chapter 31

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Phillip's Pov 

Once the bows had finished, everyone quickly scattered from their seats. Barnum went ahead to meet with Charity while Anne and I followed slowly behind. Barnum explained that after the show, William Daniel retires to one of the side rooms for those of the higher class so to speak. 

 I could see Charity quickly closed the door after he entered, agreeing to get him a refreshment. More like insisting that she get him something. 

"Is he is a good mood?" Barnum inquired hopefully. 

Charity sighed. "He's never in a good mood these days. And you better not let him down Phineas. I don't think the girls or I could bare to see his heart break once more." 

Hm. I know the feeling. 

"just wait until you see her Charity."

I shook off the thought just as Barnum brought Anne forward. 

Charity's eyes widen, looking Anne up and down continuously.  She circled around her ever so carefully. "Miss Wheeler," She said with a small bow, just as she faced Anne once more.

"Oh no, you mustn't" Anne's composure was amazing. She wasn't letting her nerves even slip into her voice.

"I don't want to get your hopes up young lady." Charity admitted to Anne, both of them looking at to the ground in a slight sadness.

"We will celebrate afterwards, but for now. Would you Charity announce the sister of William Daniel, Miss Anneliese Wheeler." I pipe up, trying to boost Anne's confidence. She gave a smile that almost made my knees buckle, almost. Charity called out to William Daniel as she led Anne into the chandelier lit room, leaving Barnum and I alone in the grand foyer. 

We both sat down on the two chairs located not to far away from the door. I know that Anne's nerves had faded but mine seem to have surged with the moment. What are they saying?Wonder how long they'll be? Why should I worry? Worrying's not like me!

I jumped up and paced a crossed the room to Barnum, then back again, Back and forth, trying to calm my nerves about this. I mean there is nothing to do but  pace and stew and wait till the girl walks in... Why panic now with everything to win?

"My Nerves can't take this. Tell Charity that I've gone to get a stiff glass of vodka." Barnum said to me as he walked out the room and the moment his foot stepped out the door, I ran up close to the door to try to hear what was happening. This needed to go well. 

Nothing but silence. This could be bad, but no! Let's assume it's good. I fell back onto the chair I was originally sitting on cursing at my self for the thought that  it was foolproof. Nothing is foolproof! Whoa! Better knock on wood! 

Girl gets a family, boy gets rich! And fairy tale gets a spin! How can we fail with everything to win! I paced across the room thinking about what would happen after all this, wondering and hoping for a small chance.  I wonder if our paths will ever cross again? The way they did when you were eight and I was ten.

We said this was goodbye, but even so you never know.
You never know...

That's when it all finally came together in one piece and the actual realization of this whole situation dawned on me.  I should be glad that we're breaking free, but nothing is what it was. I didn't know she mattered to me, but now I can see she does...

Con man and princess get their wish and fairy tale comes true! Funny, the one small part
I never knew... With everything to win the only thing I lose...

Is you.

Footsteps emerged from the corridor that led to William Daniel's room and I quickly regained my composure as I turned to see Anne. But not the same Anne that entered. But rather one that was filled with an intense sadness. 

"What happened?" I asked joyfully, trying to be positive despite how she looked. They could be sad happy?

"He wouldn't even looked at me. Tell this imposter Charity that I know her kind all too well. She want's money and will break someone heart to get it. " He voice wavered slightly, but the emotions were too mixed for me to tell which was dominating. 

"I'll go tell him the truth." 

"Don't!" Anne snapped, "What are you going to say? That I was a pawn in your little scheme? You never told me that there was money involved Phillip!" She pushed me back but I let her. I had this coming all along. "You made me think, that I could be her. That I was her." Push." Annelise Wheeler." Push. " You made me think that I had family." 

The stinging of my cheek was evident just as much so was the fading red print of her hand. "When I met you Phillip. I was cold and hungry and poor and desperate. But I wasn't dishonest. And I hate you for that." Rage filled her final words as she stormed out of the room, heading out into the streets. 

I tried going after her but I thought it would be best not to, there was someone else I wanted to speak to instead. 

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