Chapter 27

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Anne's Pov

I was pacing, back and forth continuously. Letting my hands twist between the silk gloves I wore. I was hiding currently in a little room, maybe a spare cloak room? I honestly have no idea what room it was but it was one that extended from the main foyer and the corridor that led up to it. 

The Russian Ballet. Barnum thought it was a brilliant idea for this to be the place to meet W.D. All I know is that I'm terrified...of everything. The women in here are dressed in luxurious  long dresses and sprayed in the finest of perfumes. The jewels they wore reflected the light from the chandelier in such a manner that the whole room seemed to be filled with stars. I mean tonight is the night isn't it? I get to meet my brother for the first time in like ten years. Everything keeps flooding back in sharp bursts. Like I smelt peppermint oil in the soap I bought, and I remember how my mother had the same bottle. I split one of her bottles that she used for her hands all over the carpet and it forever smelt like peppermint. 

The problem is I'm so worry that these memories are just imaginary. I mean they say if a person goes on to believe something for long enough that they might just start to believe it to be true. 

But I Couldn't be happier, right here. Look what I've got, a fairy-tale plot -
my  very own happy ending. I get to meet my brother and we become a family once more. 

I glanced out of the window of the cloak room door out into the main foyer to see W.D arrive with Charity and two young guys who I assume to be Barnum's daughters. The room parts like the red sea for them and W.D continues to enter on his own while Charity and the girls stay back for a little.Barnum soon after followed with Phillip.  They were talking about something, I don't know what exactly but it was clear that they were talking about something important. 

I took a deep breath, holding my head up high as I dusted off my dress. Charity had come around early this morning to take me shopping. She was lovely and the girls seem beautiful as well. The dress was a navy blue in colour and had a beautiful long shimmering train. My hair was crimped into a similar style to what Coco had but it in. I had a pearl necklace that hung loosely around my neck and my gloves sat just above my elbow. 

I walked quickly into the foyer, seeing Phillip fixing up his shoes. I don't know why but just seeing him made all the nerves fade away, it made me calm. I slowly walked up to him, stopping in front of him. I watched him as his eyes trailed up me as he knelt, before jumping up to offer his arm. I accepted his arm  and we began walking off. Phillip looked back, which caused me to look back, at Barnum who had a sort of half smile on his face. He waved us off into the theatre.

Well here we go.  

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