Chapter 3

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Phillip's Pov 

Anne lead the way back to her apartment, navigating the busy streets with each turn and corner to ensure that we would not come into contact with any members of the police force. We pasted the fruit stand, similar to the one I had seen the dark hair girl at earlier. Anne moved us in side, brushing her hair out of face and confirming what I had thought when we first met her in the museum.  She was the girl who fell at the sound of a car backfire, the girl who I thought was....

"My apartment is on the third floor, 2nd door to your left." She said, her eyes not leaving the fruit stand. "I'll be back in a few minutes." Anne quickly flew off into the direction of the fruit stand. I waited behind, while Barnum started to climb the staircase, my curiosity was sparked when I saw how swiftly she moved towards the fruit stand. I waited, half hidden behind the wall, watching Anne as she began to pay for at least dozen ruby red apples. Carrying them in a small bag she had made out of a piece of material, a scarf perhaps?, and walked further down the road, just a smidge, to a large group of children. All in which had dirt covered faces,  scraggly clothes and broken shoes. She had begun to hand the apples out, the children hugging her as if they knew her personally, giving the them something nourishing to eat for that day. It didn't take her very long as she began to walk back over, and I tried to subtly hide - to which did not work, as she caught my inquisitive eye.

"What?" She asked stand off like, as she walked past.

"You do that everyday?"

Anne stopped, her look almost confused at my question, before she sighed. "I didn't have someone looking out for me when I was younger, I refuse to stand by and let others grow up the same way I did."

I honestly had no idea what to say. She just kept walking, going up to her apartment and began to make a tea for us all. Their was a large silence between us, she didn't really look towards me after we talked. Just made her way to the kitchen and brought out some mis-matched cups and a half broken tea pot. It had no handle, just the sharp spikes of one. As if it had been broken off. She began to pour the tea ash we all sat down at her small table, from the looks of it she lived by herself. Anne paused after pouring my own cup. 

"I'll get you a new cup." She stated out of the blue. 

"Why so?" I asked back, maybe it hadn't been cleaned Or something was wrong with the tea? But I seriously doubt it. Barnum looked at me questioning, also trying to figure out what was going on. 

"It's chipped." 

"And?" I don't really see the importance in getting a new cup, I mean it is a small chip in the side of the brim, all it means is that I don't drink from that spot. 

"You don't mind?" 

"Not at all." I say, drinking from the cup, while she watched me carefully, trying to decipher something. Barnum having some sort of smug look on his face. 


"So, are you ready to become her ladyship Annaliese Wheeler?" Barnum asked while I moved everything in her living area to one side of the room, freeing up the room. 

"Okay, well I am ready to discover who I am but I am not going to lie about it." Anne explained to the two of us. 

"When he recognises you as his little sisters, you will know it." I say, placing my hand on her shoulder before quickly removing it. 

"I wish I had your confidence." Anne replied sarcastically. She gave a big exasperated sigh before sitting on the wooden chair in the middle of the room.  "And if I'm not her? If he calls me an imposter like all the others?" She asked us, there was something there - something like she knew if she go her hopes up that it could be quickly destroyed. I know that because I have seen that look in my own reflections enough times. 

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