Chapter 36

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Anne's Pov 

The clicking of my shoes echoed around me as I ran. I could hear people talking, murmuring not too far away from where I was. Surprisingly, no one stared at the fact that I was running in a ball gown. They were all making their way to the house, the place where  W.D planned to announce me as Anneliese. I moved quickly though, until I came around a pillar and saw him sitting there. On his suitcase. 


I eased off running as soon as I saw him and relief somehow filled me. He turned his head to the left to see me, my eyes seeing his icy blue ones once more. I went to step towards him before he placed his hand up and cut me off before I even had the chance to speak. 

"If you ever see me from a carriage, don't wave. Don't smile. I don't want to be in love with someone I can't have for the rest of my life." His tone was sombre, and my heart ached when I heard him say the last part. He loved me? 

He loves me! "Good bye." He bowed to me before picking up his suitcase and turning to walk away.

"I always dreamed that my first kiss would be with a handsome prince in Paris." I blurted out, trying to stop him from leaving. 

"I'm not your prince, Anne." He lifted his hands up, not sure of really what he wanted to do.

I smiled. "The great Annelise Wheeler would beg to disagree." I said as I marched over to him, taking his suitcase and pushing it to the side. "Phil..." I added softly before bringing his lips onto mine. He initially seemed surprised by the kiss but he moved his hands to my waist just as I moved mine to his chest. I broke off the kiss and looked at him, noses basically touching. "I love you, Phillip." I could hear myself breathe but the silence of the bridge made it as if I was yelling it out to the whole world. I let the silence settle for a few seconds. He said nothing for a little while longer and I was going to take it as that he didn't love me back, or rather didn't want to admit it, until he pressed his lips against mine once more. 

He kissed me and the world fell away. It was slow and soft, comforting in ways that words would never be. His hand rested below my ear, his thumb caressing my cheek as our breaths mingled. I begun pulling him closer until there was no space left between them and she could feel the beating of his heart against mine.

"I love you too." He eventually said after the kiss and I couldn't help but to smile and left butterflies take over me. Phillip placed his hands on my waist and picked me up spinning me around softly before placing me down and holding out his arm, to which I took. 

He picked up his suitcase in his other hand and we began to walk across the bridge, into a new beginning. 

A/N -> One more chapter left guys!!! Can't wait to finish this one off :D Let me know what you think :D 

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