What In The Name Of Thor?!

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I had been 16 years since my son was declared dead, we're looking for the Dragon's nest. Something is up. They haven't attacked in a year. Right now I called a small group with me. Gobber, Spitelout, Astrid, Snotlout, Fishlegs, Ruffnut & Tuffnut and sadly Mildew. He said he had one good run in him left. "Stoick." I heard Spitelout call. "What?" "I see an island." He said handing me what Fishlegs called a 'spyglass'. It was Hiccup's. Where are you son? I thought as I looked and saw it was true. "Steer for the island Gobber." I order. We're not that far away from it. "I think I see people on their dock." I said. But they weren't alone. I look behind them to see alot of dragon's behind them. "What In The Name Of Thor?!" "Dragons." Spitelout said grabbing his mace. Once we docked I reached for my sword. "I wouldn't do that if I were lad." One of the men say. "It would be best if you leave your weapons." He said. "Why in Thor's name would we do that?!" I said still ready to unsheath my sword. "Do you want to live?" He asked. I sighed in defeat and took my sword out and dropped it. I look at the others and they drop theirs. "We shouldn't be here Stoick. They have sided with those demons." Mildew said. "I don't like this any more then you do, but shut up and listen for now." He growled in defeat. "My name is Eret. Our Chief wants to see you." He announced. "And who might your chief be?" I heard Astrid ask. "You will see soon, but first you must promise you won't hurt the dragons." He said. "And why should we?" My idiot nephew asked. "If you even think about hurting one the Chief will rip your head off with his bear hands. Trust me you don't want to see that." He said.


Once we all got out the boat we where lead around the island. "Where are you taking us?" I ask. "To our Great Hall." Eret said. This place is the biggest island I have ever seen. I never even noticed a girl walking in front of me. I look down to see a girl at least 10 years old, with blue-green eyes and auburn and black hair. She look like a girl version of Hiccup. "S...sorry." She stuttered. She even sounded like the shy Hiccup we knew. It was kind of cute. "Scy." I heard Eret call. "Odhtss disbemt soeus." He said in some kind of language. The girl giggles and ran to a Deadly Nadded. "What the hell was that?" Mildew asked. "Dragonese. We speak it here." "You speak dragon?" Fishlegs asked. "But you speaking Norse." Spitelout said. "Can you speak dragon fool?" We all stayed silent.


We reached their Great Hall. It was huge. Eret pushed the doors open and the were dragons and people looking at us with a stern face. "I don't like this." Gobber said aloud. I ignore and look forward to see a man in his 20's. This man sitting in front of us was smiling at us. He looked so familiar. 'Eret then walked over to the 'Chief' and stood next to him and a raven haired girl on the other. "Well this is something you don't see every day, Stoick the Vast weapon less." He smirked. "Who are you?!" I yelled. "You will not know now." He then stood up and walk towards us speaking that demon language. "Sosydu diwbrdud?" Just ask he said that a roar of a Deadly Nadder.


They're all fools. They don't even know it's me. Stoick and the rest of the Hooligans were in front of me right at my feet."Well this is something you don't see every day, Stoick the Vast weapon less." I say smirking. "Who are you?!" My 'father' yelled. "You will not know now." I then stood up and walk towards them. I then ask Eret "Sosydu diwbrdud? (Did you find my daughter out there?)" Just ask I asked that a roar of a Deadly Nadder. Ator right on time. "Scy." I say as she land next to Stoick. He took one look at her and glared at me. "Why do you glare at me Stoick? I should be to one who should be glaring." I say. "After all the years you and your Hooligans have treated me." "We don't even know you." Snotlout yelled. "You really are fools aren't you." I say leaving the confused and my daughter giggling. "You must realize something about Scy here." I say. "Dad?" Scy asked in dragonese. "You must be wondering 'Why does he look so familiar?'" I say. Stoick then stands. Once he did that Toothless gave him his 'back off' growl. 'Just give me the word Hiccup' I heard from Toothless. I put my hand reassuring Toothless. "How can you not know your own son Stoick." I said. The Hooligans looked confused but then caught on the what I said. "What do you have to say...huh...father?"

Holy shit that was long 864 words.

16 Years (HTTYD Runaway/Hiccstrid) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now