Filled Heart(Final)

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Final end it on a love note

Hiccup's POV:

Time: 5 am

I wake up again at 5, I don't usually wake up this early unless I have things on my mind. Since I know I won't go back to sleep, I get out of bed and put on my armor finishing it off putting on my fur cape. I walk out my room and stop at Scy's room door. I open it lightly and see her still sleeping peacefully. I lightly smile and walk out the room downstairs seeing Toothless sleeping on the floor. I crept Toothless tends to be a heavy sleeper from time so I may be able to walk out the house successfully. I open the door keeping it quiet enough to sneak out. Why is the Chief sneaking out of his house early. Well from time, Scy and Toothless wake me up, Scy wanting to learn on how to be chief at an early age and Toothless always wanting to go on a flight. I don't have a problem with that it's just I don't think Scy is ready to be a chief yet and Toothless always wants an early flight, he once woke me up at 3 in the morning ready to fly but that was after a hard day of work. I softly close the door and walk around the village seeing guards every now and then. It was quiet until I heard a battle yell. I make my to the noise and find it coming from the battle ring. I peak in and see Astrid. I watch as she swings it around every cutting out practice dummies. I walk over to her quietly having my dagger ready. She always gets ready to attack when you spook her while she practices. I make my way to her where she is swing around her axe. I stop as she does a spin where I take out my dagger and stop the blade making her freeze. "Chief." She calls. She never called me Chief before when she was here why now. "Actually it's Hiccup." I say as she blushes. "I see your training m'lady." I say looking at the damage of the battle dummy she hit over and over again. "I have a better weapon for you to use than your axe." I say thinking of our Gronkle iron weapons. Gronkle iron may be light but it's strong as hell. "And what would that be?" she asked as I walked over to get a Gronkle Iron axe. I hand her the axe and she smirks at it. "It's light." She complains. I smile and look at her. "Throw it at that wall." I say pointing at our strong stone wall. She looks confused at first until she just throws it at the wall making a huge crack as it hit the wall. "Holy shit." she exclaimed. "How is it so strong?" She asked in amazement. "Before people showed up here,I was down by the beach just sketching stuff when a Gronkle had came down and belched out a huge amount of lava that was a different color than it usual color. I grew impatient over waiting for the lava to cool, so I decided to forge a sword out of some of it and discovered that the new metal was both lighter and far stronger than the best iron weapons and tools I made back on Berk." I explained. I then noticed Astrid's face had dropped. "What happened to Scy's mother?" Astrid asked as my face dropped along with her's. I was ready to answer but Heather came in before I had felt more pain from the past. "Chief, the Hooligans ship is repaired and ready to go I've also ." Heather announced. I nodded as an answer as she left. "Well I guess that we'll be leaving." Astrid said with a blush. "I guess so..." I said blushing back. "Scy really liked you." I said looking at Astrid who still had a blush on her cheeks. She was so beautiful. Screw it!  She could either kill me or kiss back but I will never forget this day. I cupped her cheeks and kissed her. I felt as if the world stopped at that moment. Soon enough she kissed back. We pulled away and gasped for air. We locked eyes and smiled again. "I may or may not sneak away to see you back at Berk." I said with a chuckle. "Or I could just stay here with you." Astrid suggested in a teasing manner. "Its your decison milady." I said as she grabbed my hand.

1 Year Later

Its been a year since the Hooligans left but not all of them. I woke up feeling something on my chest. I look down and see Astrid's head on my chest. She told me once she got home to Berk she told Stoick she wanted to come back here people were skeptical at first but they don't getin her way. I smiled ready to have my eyes stay closed but Scy ran in the room and jumped on the bed landing on us waking up Astrid. Astrid has now filled the hole in my heart and with Scy I have something else to live for. I have a life with a beautiful girlfriend and a daughter that makes my life complete.

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