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Scy's POV:

It's been about a week since me and Dad (with the help of Astrid) mourned Mom's death. But since then I've noticed that dad and and Astrid  have been talking to each other a lot. Even  being alone. I've noticed that they've been alone a lot. I also noticed that anytime I talk to dad about Astrid he starts blushing like crazy like when he was with mom. Does he like her? I thought to myself. She does seem like she following in mom's footstep she's just like her. Fierce, strong, tough, good to me. But I don't know if we're ready to move on, it's only been a year and dad really did love her and she meant the world to him. She'd want him to move on but he doesn't know weather to do that or not. The last couple of days have been difficult. Still teaching the Berkian's how to train dragons. They are hard to teach especially the twins. I was currently in the Great Hall reading the Book of Dragons and writing new note on a new dragon we found. We call it a Cross Wing. The dragon has a long neck, wings and tails like a Changewing but it has cross marks on its wing. At first I thought that the cross marks were man made but dad confirmed that it wasn't. It fly's as fast as a Deadly Nadder, stealthy as a Changewing and is a Mystery Class dragon. As I was writing in the book I look over and see that Toothless was laying down next to the Crosswing. I then heard the door to the Great Hall open and I look to the door and see Astrid walking in with a candle stick lit. I didn't even know it was dark outside. She slowly made her way to me only earning a low growl from Toothless. "It's fine Toothless." I told him in dragonese. He cooed in response and layed his head back down and just stared at us. "Your dad told me you would still be in here." Astrid said sitting down next to me. "Yeah I'm writing some notes on the Crosswing." I said as I was writing down some notes of it's appearance. "Have you guys got a name or the dragon?" She asked. I looked at the Crosswing. "At first I was expecting dad to name him but he didn't." I explained putting the pencil down and watching the dragon. "I've always wanted to name a dragon Duskstar."

"It sounds like a good name."

It was so quiet you could hear a feather hit the ground. I then decided to break the silence. "Do you like my dad?"

"What?" She asked blushing madly. Knew it.

"You like my dad don't you?" I asked again. She looked away at first then back at me. "Yes I do."
She said.
"I knew it." I said loudly. "You know dad likes you too." I told her.

"I know but with what you two were going through, I don't know if he's ready to move on still."


"From the looks of it dad had always wanted to be ready for anything, he want to move on and I  want him to be happy."

"He's happy with you. I don't know if you've noticed but anytime I ask him about you he blushes heck your blushing now." 

"I want to..your dad he just...."

"He what?"

"Doesn't seem to have his head straight, when thing calm down I was gonna ask him but it's just too hard." she sighs running her hands through her hairs. 

"Better hurry." was all I said as she left the hall. "You can come out now." I called as Dad came out of the shadows from the Hall. "When are you gonna ask her?" I said as I wrote more notes on the Crosswing. "I-I-I don't really know. I wanna tell her but I'm scared." he said as he stood behind me. "Better figure it out cause I told her you were gonna ask her tomorrow." I said smirking and closing the book.

Short but workimg on it

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