What He Has To Say

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"What have we done?" Astrid asked again. "We did this to him." Gobber said putting his hand on my shoulder. "Nothing." Yelled Mildew. "He's a lost cause." The whole Strike Tribe had left the Great Hall, leaving us. "He's always been, surprising that he can even swing a sword." "Mildew if you don't shut up I will not hesitate to kill you." I threatened. "He may have left, he may have changed, he may have gotten stronger, smarter, taller or whatever you all see he is still my son. We made him leave. I never listened to him. He did something that never thought of." I explained. Then Snotlout walked up holding his nose. "And what's that?" "He tamed a dragon." I said. Just as I said that Hall doors opened to see my son's daughter, she had 2 dragons next to her, the Night Fury and a Deadly Nadder. She stared at us for a second, then she went to one of the tables with a book in her hands. "He did more than we thought he would have. He became a Chief and a Father." I said. "A-a dragon Master." We heard Scy speak. "Siusvvwo skhse ivslish eigw." She said it that language. "She said, 'You all looked down on him.'" We heard another voice. We were turned to see Hiccup. "Scy take Ator and Toothless home." Hiccup said to his daughter in a very calm tone. She looked at him with a concerned look. She frowned and obeyed his order. She picked up the book and left with the Nadder leaving the Night Fury. "Hiccup." I said walking up to him. He held his hand. "No. I'm not finished. Your going to listen to me since you never have." We all didn't speak after he said that. He took a deep breath and spoke. "You all are guests here. Until then you will listen to me. You." He said pointing at me. I froze not knowing what was going to happen. He had something to say to all of us. We all had to listen to what he had to say. "The whole tribe treated me like I was nothing, I told you but you never listened. The first time you noticed me was when I had gotten better in Dragon Training, now that I think about it your probably wondering how I learned all about those dragons. I learned them from my dragon, Toothless, my first and only best friend. When I went missing you all probably jumped for joy screaming 'he's finally gone, the useless fishboner runt is gone'. If you got something to say say it now before something bad happens." Once he said that I was the first to walk up to him. "Son," I started. "When you left from Berk I never stopped looking for you. I look through heavens and hells looking for you, hoping you were okay. People were telling me to let go but I didn't. I already lost your mother, I can't lose you too." I said. I lost Valka when he was still a baby I can't lose him. I just want my son back, my wife back. My family back. "I need time to think before I hear anything else." He said walking towards the exit of the Great Hall with his dragon. He stopped and talked to that blacked haired girl. She nodded at what ever he said and walked towards us. "The way Snotlout reacted attacking a Chief, all of you will be stood on trial in front of the counsel tomorrow at noon. You better hope that the Chief will show you mercy." She warned us and left. "Because of your stupidity Snotlout we'll probably be either sent off or held in their prison." Mildew said. "He deserved it." Snotlout said wiping his nose. "This is why you won't be the next chief. You'll get us all killed you idiot!" Astrid screamed. I shook my head and sat down. "Do you really thing he'll either kick his dad off his island or hold him in prison?" Spitelout said. "You heard what he said. We treated him like nothing ever since he could well talk. It may be possible." Fishlegs explained. "Well at least we found out he's alive Stoick. Imagine what everyone at Berk would say." Gobbler said. "Oh Stoick the Vast's son returns and befriended the demons we've been at war with for thousands of years and built an island for dragons and people." Tuffnut exclaimed. "Don't forget that he has a daughter." Ruffnut mentioned. "Will you all shut up!" I yelled. I'm pretty sure people outside could hear. "What ever happens, happens."
784 words

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