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Hiccup's POV:

Today was their trial. They may leave they may stay hells they may be locked up. Only the council will know. I sighed waiting for them. On the council it's me, Eret, Heather, Dagur and well... Abia was in the council but she's not anymore. "They shouldn't be here. They attacked you Chief. We should kick them off." Dagur suggested. "How can they get home?" Heather asked. "They don't have a ship and we won't trust them with dragons." Eret announced. "Maybe we should lock them up until them." Dagur said making another suggestion. "So you want us to turn into Berk." I said standing up. "We can't let them stay Hiccup. Your dumb cousin tried attacking you." Eret said. "Well what can we do?" I asked. They stayed quiet. "I guess we can let them stay but we keep a very close eye on them." I announced. "Eret gather everyone for their trial." I said walking out of my house to the Great Hall. 'Dad.' I heard my daughter call. I turned to see he on Toothless with Ator following. "I was about to begin the trial." I said to her. 'Can I come see?' She asked. "I guess because you'll need to learn how this stuff will work anyway." I said ruffling her hair. "Try you best with your Norse when your talking. Okay?" I asked. She nodded.

~~~Timeskip to Trial~~~

Everyone was in the Great Hall. On my left was Scy and Heather and on my right was Eret and Dagur. In front of us was the Hairy Hooligans Tribe. Stock in front behind was Gobber and Spitelout, behind them were Mildew, Astrid, Fishlegs, Snotlout, Ruffnut & Tuffnut. Some of them look scared while the others looked worried. I turned to my daughter. 'If anyone of them talk out of term, you know what to do.' I told her. Behind the Hooligans were Toothless and Ator. With one whistle from her they do their thing. "If I were an ass like you, I would have you all killed right now." I said. All their faces changed from worry to having a scared look. "But since I have a heart you will stay here until you boat is fixed." I announced. After I said that multiple murmurs were passed. "Silence. But there will be punishment." I smirked. The Hooligans faces changed to confusion. "You will all take your part around here. You will follow the orders that you're given. If you touch or hurt a dragon or any of my tribe members..." I stopped and looked at my daughter. She smiled and whistles. Toothless and Ator then had flames in their mouth. "You get the idea." I said. "Dismissed." I yelled out. The Strike Tribe then left the Great Hall. I walked over to the Hooligans who had a calm look on their faces. "Starting tomorrow you will work. Any orders that you are given you will follow. If you don't follow an order, well you've seen Toothless and Ator." I said. "Who will we be taking orders from?" Stoick asked. I smiled and moved out of the way leaving them staring at Scy. "You will be following her orders. You will listen to her. You never listen to me so your gonna listen to her." I explained. Snotlout looked down and the twins frowned. "You will stay at the Inn. Tomorrow you will eat then meet in the Great Hall at 9. If your late well, it's up to her what your punishment will be." I explained. They nodded in response, well some of them. "Oh and by the way if you put a finger on my daughter you will be locked up." I added. "Scy take them to the Inn and return back Home." I ordered. She nodded and walked out the Great Hall with the Berkians following.

Astrid's POV:

We were following Hiccup's daughter to the Inn. Tomorrow we will have a long day. She stopped at stuttered. "Y-you t-two girls in there." She said pointing at me and Ruffs rooms. She then looked at Stoick and Gobber. "T-ther-there." Then Fishlegs and Tuffnut. "Here." She said without stuttering. Then Snotlout and Spitelout. "The-re." That leaves Mildew. "You I-in the-there." She said point to one without two beds. She then walked away. "Well at least he didn't make us sleep in their cells." Gobber said. "He's not gonna listen to us now especially with what that dumbass did." I said pointing at Snotlout. "What did I do?!" He screamed. "You attacked a Chief in his island. Don't see anything wrong with that?" Stoick said. Snotlout shook his head. "This is why I'd rather have Tuffnut as Heir than you." I scoffed. "What?" Tuff asked. "He was being sarcastic." His sister said. "We need to go to sleep now. Tomorrow seems like we'll ever worked till we're dead." Fishlegs said walking in his room. "Damn." I said walking in the room. "This place is huge." I laid down on the bed and fell asleep ready for tomorrow.

16 Years (HTTYD Runaway/Hiccstrid) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now