Chapter 5

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“Hey there, sleepy.” My sister mocked as she entered the kitchen. “You're up early for a Saturday.”

I glared at her from the kitchen table. Early did not even begin to describe the hour I woke up at. Make no mistake, I wake up early all the time, but with what I knew I'd have to do today I was already exhausted. “I'm going somewhere today.”

“Really?” I turned to me looking confused with her hand stuck in the cookie jar, her other hand occupied by a short note. “Music practice?”

“Yeah, sure.” I leaned back in the chair. “Shopping?”

“We don't have any food.”

“Can we afford anything?”

She shrugged, looking at our budget of fifteen dollars. “I was gonna go to the dollar store and buy some dinners.”

I tapped the table. “Good plan. Just don't get any meat.”

She made a face. “From the dollar store? God no…” she shoved it into her pocket. “I was hoping you could help me, but if your busy.”

“No, I can help. I can't carry it back, though, I'm meeting a… friend.”

“I meant help carrying it back. Why would I need help picking it out?”

I shrugged. “You wanted my opinion?”

“Food is food. Eat it or starve.”

“Sure.” I glanced back at moms room. The door was left wide open. “She went to work already?”

Emy nodded. “She was gone when I got up, but she left a note to buy food. We also need dish soap.”

“Well hopefully by Wednesday I'll have fifty dollars.”

From that sudden surprise Emy nearly fell from the counter, catching herself and straightening up quickly. “F-fifty?”

I nodded. “Yup.”

“We could go to the grocery store with that.”

“Yeah, but don't get too crazy. We should keep some just in case something happens.”

She nodded, still in a daze. It was probably the most money we had, or would have, to spend on food. Which is why I needed it.

I followed her down the staircase, past the bike, and out onto the street where we navigated a few alley ways before making it back to the main street. The dollar store was just a few miles from the sub shop. All we had to do was walk to the intersection, cross over, and again to our left, and it was right at the corner. Beside it was a gas station, the place I agreed to meet Taylor at nine.

At the moment my watch read eight thirty, so I hurried Emy along inside and we made our way to the foods section. It was stocked with can goods, easy make meals, and a lot of ramen. And sure, the ramen was inexpensive, we got a lot of it, and it was decent in taste, we also knew we'd die with just that. Instead we grabbed mashed potatoes, rice sides, pasta side, pizza crust and sauce, and pasta.

Emy tossed some soup and canned vegetables in the cart too. “When we get the fifty we should get real fruit.”

I smiled. “Of course. We're not gonna buy canned food in a real grocery store.” That'd be a complete waste.

We finished with the food, having placed exactly thirteen items in the cart, and wandered over to the soap section for the biggest bottle we could find, the quality or smell didn't exactly matter, and we went to check out. Totalling, with tax, at $14.05.

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