Chapter 9

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4 months ago.

“Take this.” The guy, light brown hair dyed at the very top with red. He was smiling at me while holding out the joint. The group of guys, all dressed in our school uniform, ignored us as they smoked their lungs away.

I took it from him just to stare at it between my fingers. “You guys do this often?” He nodded, offering me a light. “Sure.”

His grin stretched from ear to ear. “It'll help make everything better.”

Lies. It was all just one huge lie. For that entire month of October it felt fantastic. For a moment I had completely forgotten that my life fucking sucked. I forgot that my mother was supporting my sister and I completely on her own while affording to put us in private schooling. I'd forgotten that I was rejected from the first music school I had applied at, and if they wouldn't take me would Julliard even consider it? I forgot that in my gut all I wanted to do was die. I forgot my own self pity.

It was a short period of my life that I regret. I didn't stick with drugs for very long, not after Emy smelled it off my clothes and threatened to tell Mom, or worse, my school. I had even given up drinking to numb the pain I felt from how shitty everything was. I swear to God, I just wanted to give up.

The only thing that snapped me back to reality were the tired eyes of my mother who worked day and night for our survival and future. I was betraying her. The only reason I'd gone back to pot was the worry I felt when she lost her job.

I had one last joint from my time spent with that guy that gave it to me. What was his name? I forget, he graduated ahead of me.


“You shouldn't be doing that on school property.”

I looked up to see the owner of the voice. I'd seen him before, Taylor Henry, but I'd never spoken to him before. He was the quiet type. Always sitting back and diligently taking notes. I wouldn't have noticed him before if it wasn't for his friend, Tory, who I thought was hot.

He grinned at me, skipping down the hill towards me. Of course I was wondering what he was doing here behind the old gym building. No one ever came here, except the kids that had graduated already. Not to mention class was in session and he seemed like one of those studious types.

“What are you going to do about it?” I challenged.

“Ohh, what am I going to do.” He gestured to his phone. “I've got a picture of your little drug habit.”

I glared at him. Given how big I am compared to him, I could break the phone easily. But if I did that I'd have to buy him a new one. Especially if he took it to the cops. I put the joint out. “What do you want?”

“What do I want…” he thought. I could see him blushing a bit, but I thought that was my mind playing tricks on me. “Strip.”

And that was how this entire thing began.


“Sen!” I ignored my sister as I layed on the couch, reading over my sheet music. “Seeeeeen!”

I threw myself up on the couch. “What the fuck do you want!”

“Help me!”



“What for?”

She didn't say anything. A few minutes rolled on by and I laid back down again when she flew down the hallway, glaring at me as she held a dress barely clinging to her.

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