Chapter 20

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"I bought you a suit." Ivan explained as Taylor and I climbed into the backseat of the car. "And I got Emy a dress, but apparently she's not participating. Someone could have told me that before I spent two hours in the little girls section of the clothing store. I mean, it wasn't like I could have spent that time doing other things or anything."

"My mom didn't tell you?" Taylor asked.

He shook his head. "No. No one told me jack shit. Apparently everyone knew, though, because when I got back the first thing out of Prija's mouth was 'why do you have a dress'? So damn you all."

"You sound stressed."

"Oh me? No, no. It's just that when I left to buy the clothes from the tailor they didn't have Emy's dress made; so I went to a mall to buy a premade dress which apparently wasn't even necessary. While I was gone Seth managed to not only complete nothing, but made more work. Oh, and Mrs. Henry added a new guest to the list."


"Mrs. Labowitz is in Japan with your father, so she's sending her husband to the fundraiser instead. He's bringing his daughter and step son. Which meant I had to add new tables and silverware... it's just been insane!" He paused. "I hate these damn events. I'm not a fucking party planner."

"Who's Labowitz?" I asked.

Taylor shifted in his seat. "Zoe Labowitz is a good friend of my father's. Usually the companies are owned by the husband's, but the Labowitz's are a special case. The guy she married is her second husband and he comes from a middle class family background."

"Yeah, and we thought she wouldn't participate in this event, but I guess she wants her man to do it. Real pain in the ass." Ivan sighed. "Anyway, when we get back you need to give your mom that intern thing. Now she's yelling at me about it."

He groaned, slipping in his seat. "I don't want to work for that company." He mumbled.

It didn't take long to get to Eastwood from our school. It was a smaller academy with only a few hundred students for all three grades. As it had a major focus on the arts, it seemed to be a less popular school.

It was the school I'd made friends with Lucy.

We watched her run out of the doors, arguing with one of her classmates before heading for the car. She threw the door open, stuffing her bag in and climbing over me to get into the seat between Taylor and I. "I'm so fucking pissed." She grumbled, smacking me.

"Why?" I asked, closing the door.

"That bitch there!" She lunged forward to throw an accusatory finger at a pretty girl with long blonde hair getting into a very nice car. "She spilled blue paint all over my painting and all she had to say was 'you shouldn't have put it there, Remsy'. Like, fuck you asshole! It was a fucking easel, where the hell else would I put a painting."

"That's the daughter of Keith Nowell." Ivan pointed out. "He owns the hospital your mother is staying at."

Emy made a noise. "So that makes it okay to spill shit over someone else's painting? She's just bitter because I'm faaar better with a brush then she is."

"Geez, no wonder Mrs. Henry isn't letting you go to the event." Ivan sighed, putting the car in drive and getting back to the road. "So... we're going by your, uh, home. Do either of you need to get anything?"

"I need a clean pair of panties. I thought mom would be awake by now and we could go home." She crossed her arms. "Besides... now I have to get my other painting. There's no way I'll be able to cover that spot in time for the gallery."

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