I Meet an Umbreon

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I looked around, hoping I wasn't being stalked. I couldn't help myself to look around and explore even more, so I did. The first thing I noticed was a cave.

 I looked inside, and it seemed deserted (besides a couple of bones, which made me shiver) so I decided to claim it as my own. 

Since I had slept in a box for only God knows how long and I was still pretty stiff from it, I decided to sleep. 

                        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~One Hour later ~~

I woke up, still sleepy, but I decided to get up for the day. Then I heard that same voice from before, but let's just say it sounded WAAAAAAAAY more offensive then it did the last time. It told me,

"WHO ARE YOU, AND WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!?!" I sprung up, and I looked behind me. What did I see? An Umbreon.

Alarmed, I got ready to attack with Skill Swap, but he gave me a hard, long glare that told me 'Sit-Your-Butt-Down-If-You-Know-What's-Good-For-You' look. So I did, but I still had Skill Swap ready, just in case.

I opened my mouth to ask him something, but he won me to it and said, 

"Before I answer any of your questions, tell me who you are, and by the way, I'm Umbreon."

"I'm Sylveon.", I told him.

And that's how are friendship began.  But like any other Pokémon, I was truly afraid, so I used Skill Swap on him. (Hey, We Are Talking, Like, Months Before I Truly Knew Him!)

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