Forbidden Love?

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I woke up really early, around four in the morning to be exact, but the forest already seemed to be alive with wild Pokémon. Umbreon was asleep, and he looked pretty tired, so I decided not to wake him up.

I went outside, and I heard something. Something so familiar, but I couldn't put my ribbon on it. Then I realized what it was(or who it was), it was Ruby.

I followed her scent, but something seemed strange. Then I realized that there was another Pokémon with her.

                                                        A Few Hours Later(Umbreon POV)                                           

I was so sleepy, I could not believe that I had overslept. It was around 8:00 a.m. and I decided to get up for the day, and stretched my legs until they were stiff. I looked to my left, expecting to see Sylveon sleeping by my side( I didn't have any harsh fillings against that anymore, In fact, I liked that), but she was not there.

"Sylveon, where are you?", I called out. No response. I tried again, but this time even louder. Still no response.

                                                                        Sylveon POV                                                                  

It's been hours since I have been following Ruby's scent, and I knew that Umbreon would be freaking out wondering where I was by know, but I also knew I couldn't give up hope. Then I ran into them, yet they didn't notice, since they were in the middle of a battle, Ruby's zapdos vs a wild mewtwo.

I thought it would be a nice surprise to them if I defeated the mewtwo with Misty Terrain. It must've had low XP already, because then it fainted. Ruby looked my way and she smiled and said, "Sylveon, I thought you were gone for good!" She came up to me and gave me a hug. 

At that moment, Umbreon bursted out of the bushes and into the clearing. "Sylveon!" He exclaimed. "Umbreon!" I exclaimed. "OMG! A WILD UMBREON!?! DO YOU KNOW HOW RARE DOES THINGZ ARE?! ZAPDOS USE DRILL PECK AND SYLVEON USE SKILL SWAP!!!", Ruby exclaimed.

"NOOO!", I yelled, but it was to late. Zapdos used Drill Peck, and Umbreon tried to dodge it, but he was to late. It did some major damage, and he had trouble standing up. I was going to go up to him, but he managed to attack a weak Feint Attack, though it barely did any damage to zapdos.


My head was spinning! Then I knew what I had to do: I used Misty Terrain on zapdos, which did a decent amount of damage. That caused his Drill Peck to miss Umbreon.

Umbreon managed to come over to me and tell me, "Let's Go". I started to follow him when I was picked up by one of my ribbons high into the air, by zapdos.

"DONT YOU THINK IM LETTING THAT UMBREON TAKE YOU AWAY FROM ME!!", Ruby yelled. "YOU ARE WAY TOO HIGHBRED FOR HIM! YOU DONT DESERVE HIM!" My neck was aching in pain because of all the strain that my ribbon was putting on me. I was barely even able to breathe!

Then Umbreon did the impossible. He jumped up and bit the zapdos on his wing, which caused him to Yelp in pain, which then he let me go, only to fall head-first on a rock. "Ow...", I told myself. I tried to use the same ribbon that zapdos grabbed me from, but I then realized I didn't even have the strength to lift it.

My pain was interrupted when Umbreon gave me a solid nod and told me to run to the cave and not to look back. That if anything happened to him it didn't matter.

When we got to the cave, I was about to tell him, "You were really brave,"when he fainted, right there in the entry way.

I managed to bring him deeper into the cave with my three good ribbons, and I spent the rest of the day taking care of him, going out for food and water, as well as herbs and medicines for his wounds. 

That night as he slept next to me, with my ribbons around him, I wondered about what Ruby had told me earlier that day."You dont deserve him," her voice echoed through my mind. Was she right? Did I deserve him? Did he deserve me

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