Umbreon's Horrific Nightmare

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It wasn't even a week after we found her that she told Umbreon and me that she  would be leaving.

I told her not to worry, that we will always remember her.

Oh, did I mention that Umbreon gave the word 'sentimental' a whole new meaning? YEP! He was sobbing...and crying...and bawling...and sulking...etc.

I didn't blame him, though. The two had become really close friends, more like as if they were brother and sister. Umbreon would play with her, share his food with her, and a bunch of other stuff.

Now she was leaving, and he was letting all the moisture from his body leak out from his eyes.         "BYE EEVEE!!" We both yelled to her as she got smaller in the horizon. "WE WILL MISS YOU SOOOOO MUCH!!"

"BYEEEEEEEEEEEE FREINDS!" She screamed back. "GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR FUTURE!!"                    

                                                     THAT NIGHT...[Third person POV( Umbreon's Dream)]                                                   

That night I had a dream.

A horrific one. 

What happened was that I had followed Eevee in secret, that is, without Sylveon knowing. 

Then I sniffed a scent, and that caused me to follow it, and completely forgot about Eevee. Then I saw Ruby. She was blocking my way, and guess who was with her?

"Sylveon?!" I asked, rather confused. "You cared about Eevee more than me..." she responded in a gravy voice.

"SYLVEON USE MOON BLAST!!" Ruby shrieked. Sylveon did as she was told, and it hit me in the chest. "Direct hit!" Ruby said happily. "FINNISH HIM, SYLVIE!!" 

Then Sylvie-er, Sylveon- jumped on me her claws digging deep into my chest.

"Why...?" I asked her. She didn't respond. Instead, she clawed at me. Blood was dripping everywhere from my chest. "DO YOU CARE ABOUT ME KNOW, UMBREON?! DO YOU?!?"

I woke up covered in sweat. I looked to my left, and I was so thankful to see a relaxed Sylveon, her ribbons around me, sleeping smoothly.

As much as I tried to fall asleep, her gravy voice echoed through my head.


'I DO, SYLVIE! I REALLY DO!!', I thought. Tears streamed down my cheeks, and then I heard someone call my name.

"Umbreon? Are you okay, there?"  I looked up. It was Sylveon! Right there I wanted to dig a hole, crawl into it, and DIE!! Has she seen me crying?

"I'm...fine," I told her as I wiped a tear from my eye. "Did something happen?" she asked. She looked thoughtful. "Did you have a nightmare?" "" "You did...didn't you?" I sighed heavily. "Yes, I did..." "A really bad one, huh?" 

I turned away. I definitely  didn't need her knowing about the dream I just had.

She wiped another tear from my eye and forcefully made my head lay against her shoulder. "It's going to be okay, you'll see,"she told me.

"It's going to be okay."

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